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2/28/05 News - French Parliament Votes on EU Constitution Referendum News"French Parliament Votes on EU Constitution Referendum

The two chambers have separately adopted the changes with large margins; opposition has been primarily on the political fringes – such as the Communist Party and the far-right National Front party – and some holdouts among Socialists and in Chirac’s centre-right party."

The Slovak Spectator - Slovakia to explain EU Constitution to its citizens

The Slovak Spectator"Slovakia to explain EU Constitution to its citizens" Denmark to vote on EU Constitution September 27


Novosti"SOLANA AND LAVROV LIKE EU TROIKA-RUSSIAN FOREIGN MINISTER TALKS" Dollar slides against euro, under pressure on deficit fears "Dollar slides against euro, under pressure on deficit fears"

The Independent: What happened to the German Economy

News"What happened to the German Economy" Developing countries reach compromise with EU on trade"Developing countries reach compromise with EU on trade"


MSNBC/Newsweek - Divide and Conquer - US-CHINA-EU

MSNBC Divide and Conquer - US-CHINA-EU:"Bush's trip to Europe exposes a rift over the big question in Asia: what does China mean to do with its might?"

EUbusiness - Two-thirds of Poles back EU constitution: poll

EUbusiness "Poll in Poland shows: two-thirds of Poles back EU constitution"

Guardian Unlimited: How worried should we be? Food additives main culprit in getting a cancer related disease

Guardian Unlimited"How worried should we be? Food additives main culprit in getting a cancer related disease.

Dr Vyvyan Howard, leading expert in foetal toxicology at Liverpool University and a member of the government's advisory committee on pesticides, said there was an overarching argument for reducing exposure to carcinogens as far as possible. "You have an increasing cancer incidence in the western world - up 50% in the UK since the 1970s. When I was born in 1946 there was a one in four lifetime risk of getting cancer, now it's one in three. For American males it is nearly one in two. Dr Howard points out that other carcinogens in food such as acrylamide present a very high risk. Acrylamide is a chemical produced in foods high in starch that have been cooked or processed at high temperatures, such as chips, breads, crackers, crisps and cereals. "It's nasty stuff, there's more of it and it's in more foods."

BBC NEWS: Germany split over green energy

BBC NEWS"Germany split over green energy"

Schroeder heads to Gulf for seven-nation tour

Jang Group"Schroeder heads to Gulf for seven-nation tour"

Bush signs on to help clean air in China, India / U.S.-Germany pact to cut coal emissions

sfgate"Bush signs on to help clean air in China, India / U.S.-Germany pact to cut coal emissions - and now Kyoto?"


EUROPA - The European Union in 2020 – Still strong or long gone?

EUROPA" Danuta HÜBNER Member of the European Commission responsible for Regional Policy speaking at a Seminar at the University of Sussex on The European Union in 2020 – Still strong or long gone?"

Telegraph: Colin Powell: 'I'm very sore' - as he speaks out about Iraq, Europe and his days at the White House

Telegraph" "Colin Powell: 'I'm very sore' - as he speaks out about Iraq, Europe and his days at the White House"

ZAMAN: Ankara Complains about Medzamor Power Plant to EU

ZAMAN"Ankara Complains about Medzamor Power Plant to EU"

Cayman Net News: An opportune time to strengthen the domestic economy- do the Cayman Islands see itself as Caribbean or European?

Cayman Net News: "do the Cayman Islands see itself as Caribbean or European?" :French Finance Minister Threatens EU Constitution"French Finance Minister Threatens EU Constitution"

ABC News Online: European scientists believe in life on Mars.

ABC News Online"European scientists believe in life on Mars"

The Globe and Mail: Canada won't allow U.S. missiles to impugn sovereignty, PM vows

The Globe and Mail"US Missile defense system: Canada won't allow U.S. missiles to impugn sovereignty, PM vows"

Financial Express: Asean+3 replaces European Union as India’s dominant trading partner

FE INSIGHT"Asean+3 replaces European Union as India’s dominant trading partner"


EIU ViewsWire: World economy: Our outlook for oil

EIU ViewsWire"World economy: Our outlook for oil"

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia: Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Artis Pabriks, meets with the President of Turkey

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia"Latvia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Artis Pabriks, meets with the President of Turkey" - EU constitution will ensure UK place at top table in Europe"EU constitution will ensure UK place at top table in Europe" - Analysis: Bush trip ends, but not all Euros are won over"Analysis: Bush trip ends, but not all Euros are won over"

Prensa Latina: Iran Rejects US Presence at Nuclear Talks with European Union Members

Prensa Latina"Iran Rejects US Presence at Nuclear Talks with European Union Members" Rep. Osborne Urges European Union to Remove Its Ban on U.S. Beef"Rep. Osborne Urges European Union to Remove Its Ban on U.S. Beef"

Zenit News Agency - Rome names Nuncio to EU

Zenit News Agency" Rome names Nuncio to EU" The European Union constitution - the stakes are getting higher"The European Union constitution - the stakes are getting higher"



Book review: The United States of Europe: The New Superpower and the End of American Supremacy
by T. R. Reid

"T. R. Reid has covered the U.S. Congress, national politics, and four presidential campaigns for The Washington Post. He was the Post's Tokyo bureau chief from 1990 to 1995 and then became head of the paper's London bureau, where he chronicled the stunning rise of the European Union at the dawn of the twenty-first century. Reid is now the Post's Rocky Mountain bureau chief and a popular commentator on National Public Radio. He is the author of three books in Japanese and five in English, including The Chip: How Two Americans Invented the Microchip and Launched a Revolution.

John Moe writes about Reid's book in
"While the United States flexes its economic and military muscles around the world as the dominant global player, it may soon have company. According to the Washington Post's T.R. Reid, the nations of Europe are setting aside differences to form an entity that's gaining strength, all seemingly unbeknownst to the U.S. and its citizens. The new Europe, Reid says, "has more people, more wealth, and more trade than the United States of America," plus more leverage gained through membership in international organizations and generous foreign aid policies that reap political clout. Reid tells how European countries were willing to discontinue their individual centuries-old currencies and adopt the Euro, the monetary unit that is now a dominant force in world markets. This is noteworthy not just for exploring the considerable economic impact of the Euro, but also for what that spirit of cooperation means for every facet of Europe in the 21st century, where governments and citizens alike believe that the rewards of banding together are worth a loss in sovereignty. Reid's most compelling portrait of this trend is in the young Europeans known as "Generation E" who see themselves not as Spaniards or Czechs but simply as Europeans. To illustrate America's obliviousness to this trend, Reid tells of former GE CEO Jack Welch, who never bothered to factor European objections into a proposed multi-billion dollar merger with Honeywell, leading to the deal being torpedoed and Welch disgraced. But what is most striking in The United States of Europe is the contrast between the new Europe and the United States. The Europeans cannot match the raw military size of the U.S., but by mixing wealth with diplomacy and continental unity (helped along by antipathy toward George W. Bush's brand of Americanism), they are forming an innovative and powerful superpower.

The Publisher weekly, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc., says about Reid's book:
"While "old Europe" is most often portrayed as more bark than bite in its differences with the current U.S. administration, NPR commentator and former Washington Post European bureau chief Reid finds the E.U. as a whole "determined to change a world that has been dominated by Americans." The opening chapters quickly summarize everyday Europeans’ love-hate relationship with the States, the legacies of the 20th-century wars, and the creation of the Euro. The center chapters present GE as a case study in transatlantic trade gone wrong ("Welch’s Waterloo") as well as other snafus that show Europe attempting to dominate market share of everything from cell phones to pharmaceuticals. A chapter detailing what’s left of Europe’s welfare states is followed by a relatively bleak assessment of Europe’s armies, and the spin that the E.U. is betting on economic "soft power" for eventual global dominance. The concluding chapters warn that the U.S. ignores Europe’s new 25-nation strong union at its economic and political peril, but also draw attention to Europe as a huge, tariff-free market and potential sharer of global burdens. There’s little surprising here, but Reid’s primer on recent U.S. European relations genially summarizes an evolving, if often reluctant, partnership.

T. R. Reid's The United States of Europe lays bare the ways in which the EU is positioning itself to be a global counterweight and second superpower, on equal footing with the U.S.A. Reid traces the rise of the EU from the days when Churchill and other visionaries set out in the post-World War II rubble to find a means to end war in Europe. He shows how this remarkably successful effort to "create peace" also created a global economic and political power that is often at odds with the United States. This drive toward unity has been accelerated by the powerful mood of anti-Americanism (or, at least, anti-Bushism) that has swept the Continent since the war in Iraq.

In addition to the political ramifications of the EU, The United States of Europe shows the great impact this alliance is having on the global economic market. The euro, which now has more daily users than the dollar, is fast becoming a reserve currency and a new standard for global finance, a globally recognized replacement for the once-almighty dollar. Unification has spawned a generation of European corporate managers who have led firms like Nokia, Airbus, BP, Vodafone, and Red Bull to catch and surpass their U.S. competitors in global markets.

The European Union, from its beginnings as an experiment in statecraft, has rapidly emerged as a resounding success; yet Americans have so far managed to ignore the geopolitical revolution under way across the Atlantic. Reid's book shows how quietly-and not so quietly-Europe is developing itself into an economic, political, and cultural powerhouse." Bush visits a Europe ever further away"Will Europe have the guts to cut the umbilical cord to the US and replace it by a mutually beneficial economic partnership" - Cowboynomics in Europe says Wall Street Journal"Cowboynomics in Europe says Wall Street Journal"

WPH: Countries seek more freedom from EU fiscal controls

WPH "EU member Countries seek more freedom from EU fiscal controls - but flexibility of rules can also mean adopting disastrous US economic models, with long-term negative results"

BBC NEWS: EU constitution hurdles

BBC NEWS: EU constitution hurdles"The European Union is on the verge of launching an unprecedented exercise in public consultation.True democracy at work in the EU"

National Review Online: How to Euro-speak

EuroPress National Review Online" How to Euro-speak, an excercise in Europe bashing by the National Review"

Xinhua - Bush rejects moves to boost EU military power

Xinhua - "Bush rejects moves to boost EU military might" EU Finance Ministers Set 2006 Deadline for Greece to Curb Budget Deficit"EU Finance Ministers Set 2006 Deadline for Greece to Curb Budget Deficit"


European Union to restrict use of controversial Cox-2 drugs

European Union to restrict use of controversial Cox-2 drugs

Cox-2 painkillers, already the focus of enormous controversy in the US, will be restricted in the European Union due to the risk of heart damage. The European Medicines Agency yesterday told doctors not to prescribe the drugs, which include Pfizer's Celebrex and Bextra, to people with heart conditions

IHT: What the European Union does - and its numerous achievements

IHT: What the European Union does -

In promoting democracy, the EU is certainly the actor with the best record in the last 10 years: There are now more than 450 million European citizens who can be assured of the democratic common destiny of their 25 nations. In the next two years, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania will be added to this group. With a role for the EU in the Ukraine transition, its attraction on the countries born from the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s and the beginnings of membership talks with Muslim Turkey, some 800 million people have now been attracted into the sphere of influence of EU soft power.

Sun Sentinel: Shaping Cuba's future - Oswaldo Payá Cuba's European Parliament's Sakharov human rights award winner works from within Cuba for change

South Florida Sun-Sentinel: Shaping Cuba's future - Oswaldo Payá, who in 2002 was awarded the European Parliament's Sakharov human rights prize, named after a Russian dissident. Payá insists his drive for national dialogue is not geared solely toward dissidents, but is inclusive of those who support the Cuban government. "The government is part of Cuban society and we are open to dialogue with its members," Payá said.
It is precisely Payá's moderate stance and willingness to work within Cuba's current system that has made him a target for criticism among some hard-line sectors of Miami's exile community. The politically strong right-wing Miami exile lobby in Washington has so far had little or no success in trying to overthrow Castro with non-productive economic boycotts and isolation tactics.

International Relations and Security Network ISN - Schröder eyes EU as primary security forum

International Relations and Security Network ISN - Schröder eyes EU as primary security forum

The Heritage Foundation: President Bush Should Advance a New U.S. Vision for Europe

The Heritage Foundation: President Bush Should Advance a New U.S. Vision for Europe - Note EU Digest: One of the most disturbing comments in this report by the Heritage Foundation is their suggestion that "the President should not "bow to pressure from the French and German governments to endorse the European Constitution and the idea of a Common Foreign and Security Policy for the EU." Doing so "will only strengthen the hand of America’s opponents in Europe." In a sense the conservative Heritage Foundation is saying that European Political Unity is not in the interest of the US. Spain set to back EU Constitutiona in first ever referendum Spain set to back EU Constitution in a first ever referendum India to sign EU's Galileo programme

India to sign EU's Galileo programme : News for UK Asians

Times Online - EU truth has many faces as polls get rivals into a state

Times Online - EU truth has many faces as polls get rivals into a state

EUROPA - EU business and citizens to benefit from new eGovernment services

EUROPA - EU business and citizens to benefit from new eGovernment services

Kazakhstan's Democratic Forces Forum: Kazakhstan pulls out Iraq troops

Kazakhstan pulls out Iraq troops / Kazakhstan's Democratic Forces Forum

Guardian Unlimited | Ukrainian President Seeks Iraq Pullout

Guardian Unlimited | Ukrainian President Seeks Iraq Pullout

Times Business: EU reopens trade row with US

Times Business: EU reopens trade row with US

Record US Trade Deficits Spell Impending Economic Defeat

Record US Trade Deficits Spell Impending Economic Defeat News - Spanish Premier Predicts EU Embassies If Constitution Approved News - Spanish Premier Predicts EU Embassies If Constitution Approved

Reuters AlertNet - EU starts countdown to more involvement in space

Reuters AlertNet - EU starts countdown to more involvement in space

2/16/05 EU woos Indian students EU woos Indian students

Shout99 - EU states learn from each other

Shout99 - EU states learn from each other

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Militants targeted Eiffel Tower

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Militants targeted Eiffel Tower

PC Pro: News: Microsoft denies accusations of pressuring Denmark over EU patent directive

PC Pro: News: Microsoft denies accusations of pressuring Denmark over EU patent directive - Kyoto: EU gives up on US - Kyoto: EU gives up on US

CORDIS: EU funds research into more environmentally friendly planes

CORDIS: EU funds research into more environmentally friendly planes

Digital Media Asia: News - EU regulators 'welcome' VoIP

Digital Media Asia: News - EU regulators 'welcome' VoIP

CORDIS: EU funds new project on cardiovascular, cerebral and neoplastic diseases

CORDIS: EU funds new project on cardiovascular, cerebral and neoplastic diseases

Expatica - Chirac in Lebanon condemns Hariri slaying

Expatica - Chirac in Lebanon condemns Hariri slaying

FrontPage : A Pall over Amsterdam, by Keith B. Richburg

FrontPage : A Pall over Amsterdam, by Keith B. Richburg

note by EU-Digest: Articles like the above from the neo-conservative Front Page Magazine, which highlight incidental cases of religious or cultural intolerance, only serve to throw mud on the European concept of multiculturalism. Instead, maybe they should look at their own back yard.

ZAMAN: US Discreetly Reinforcing N. Iraq Military Bases for fear of Turkish military intervention

ZAMAN: US Discreetly Reinforcing N. Iraq Military Bases for fear of Turkish military intervention : Mobile telephony a key driver of e-communications growth says EU Commissioner Mobile telephony a key driver of e-communications growth says EU Commissioner PublicT - Kyoto: Historic agreement - Despite a tricky and slow birth Kyoto is sound - Despite a tricky and slow birth Kyoto is sound.

Also see: EU leads Kyoto 'carbon revolution' at

The New Zealand Herald: Climate change is coming, ready or not

The New Zealand Herald: Climate change is coming, ready or not


The Independent: Can Kyoto really save the world?

Can Kyoto really save the world? At least, a step in the right direction.

HindustanTimes: India, EU to sign pact on Galileo project

India, EU to sign pact on Galileo project :

UCLA International Institute : Graduate Students Present Research on the European Union

UCLA International Institute : Graduate Students Present Research on the European Union

Helsingin Sanomat - Russian oil giant Lukoil to acquire Finnish oil company Teboil

Helsingin Sanomat - Russian oil giant Lukoil to acquire Finnish oil company Teboil

PRAVDA.Ru: Russia's Kaliningrad enclave to become part of EU and euro zone

PRAVDA.Ru: Russia's Kaliningrad enclave to become part of EU and euro zone, say Russians

CSMonitor: Sure it's fiction. But many Turks see fact in anti-US novel.

CSMonitor: Sure it's fiction. But many Turks see fact in anti-US novel.

Iraq: The cycle of violence resumes

Iraq The cycle of violence resumes - as do behind the scene politics

EU boost for Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat in Brussels

EU boost for Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat in Brussels

EU aims to tear down borders in banking sector

EU aims to tear down borders in banking sector




Aljazeera.Net - France raps Citigroup for bad deal

Aljazeera.Net - France raps Citigroup for bad deal

The bombing of Dresden

The bombing of Dresden - was it necessary?

Can Europe Trust US Owned ISP's?

Europe, Can You Trust US Owned ISP's? - by Alan Simpson - Conflicting word on U.S. drones over Iran - Conflicting word on U.S. drones over Iran - Feb 14, 2005

ABC News: Germany's Mainz Bolts Down in Preparation for Bush

ABC News: The Emperor is coming to Europe: Germany's Mainz Bolts Down in Preparation for Bush

Schools will be closed, public transportation diverted and both river and air traffic suspended on the day Bush passes through Mainz on a three-nation European tour that will also take him to Brussels and Bratislava.

Two highways will be closed to other traffic while Bush is driven the 30 kilometers (20 miles) from Frankfurt airport to Mainz. Should there be problems on the highways, two helicopters brought in from the United States will be used instead. Bush remains highly unpopular in Germany (Europe) despite recent efforts by Washington to move beyond Iraq and get the German-American alliance back on track.

In a recent BBC survey 77 percent of Germans said they believed his reelection made the world more dangerous. But U.S. organizers are still taking all necessary measures to ensure the German public's dislike of Bush does not mar his kiss-and-make-up session with Schroeder.

Initial plans for a "town hall" style meeting attended by local students, businessmen and Americans have been scrapped — to the relief of German government officials, who feared privately that such an open forum could backfire.

Daily Times - Neighbours voice concern at Iraq vote

Daily Times - Neighbors voice concern at Iraq vote European Economic Growth Accelerated in Fourth Quarter European Economic Growth Accelerated in Fourth Quarter

The Observer: Fading liberal dream tears Dutch apart

The Observer: Fading liberal dream tears Dutch apart - Bush needs a strategic partnership with Europe - Bush needs a strategic partnership with Europe.

For the past four years, Washington has mismanaged its efforts to shape the European future. Uncomfortable with the compromises inherent in alliances and international institutions, the Bush administration focused in its first term on "key allies" and "coalitions of the willing", often trying to divide Europe between "new" and "old". Although this approach maximised flexibility, its many downsides have now become apparent. Far from creating a broad and thus durable coalition, an increasingly unpopular US is bearing the overwhelming share of global security burdens.

Telegraph: The new Rumsfeld courts 'old Europe'

Telegraph: The new Rumsfeld courts 'old Europe' and Rice charms Europe, but skepticism remains.

Latest update: Iraq Coalition Casualties

Latest (02/13) update Iraq Coalition Casualties: 1633 dead and 10710 wounded in action.

DVH - Ariane-5 ECA launched successfully

DVH - Ariane-5 ECA launched successfully: The new Ariane-5 ECA launch vehicle is the world's most powerful commercial launcher. The Ariane-5 ECA is able to launch up to 10-ton payloads into space and can carry two large satellites at a time. The Ariane was launched from Europe's Space Operations Base at Kourou in French Guiana


Bangkok Post- Building on the euro

Bangkok Post Monday- Building on the euro : On the positive side: The single currency has boosted international trade within the euro area, by about 10%. However, the more fundamental problem with the euro is that its adoption has not seriously pushed participating countries to address there underlying economic deficiencies. Yet, while reform efforts intensified throughout Europe in the late 1990s, both inside and outside of the euro area, there is little evidence that "ins" enacted more far-reaching and significant supply-side reforms than the "outs".

Updating Europe - travel 2005

Updating Europe - travel 2005 Fasten your seat belt, new law could kill you - US can learn from EU on how to assist developing countries | 02/13/2005 | Fasten your seat belt, new law could kill you - - US can learn from EU on how to assist developing countries Italy's Fazio Says U.S. Deficit Pledge Is Crucial for Dollar Italy's Fazio Says U.S. Deficit Pledge Is Crucial for Dollar

Labour Puts Economy At Heart Of Re-election Bid

Labour Puts Economy At Heart Of Re-election Bid




swissinfo: Swiss association of small- and medium-sized enterprises favours closer cooperation with the European Union.

swissinfo: Swiss association of small- and medium-sized enterprises favours closer cooperation with the European Union.

EUROPA - The new EU preferential terms of trade for developing countries

EUROPA - The new EU preferential terms of trade for developing countries

Foreign Policy news : UK MPs give go-ahead for EU Constitution referendum

Foreign Policy news : UK MPs give go-ahead for EU Constitution referendum: Conservatives suffer major defeat at the hands of Tony Blair's labor party 345 for-130 votes against

South Florida Sun-Sentinel: US Budget offends values of working Americans

Budget offends values of working Americans: South Florida Sun-Sentinel

What has Europe ever done for us?

What has Europe has ever done for us?

BBC NEWS : British Teens 'know little' of politics and notion of being European hardly occurred to anyone.

BBC NEWS: British Teens 'know little' of politics and notion of being European hardly occurred to anyone. This trend among British teens also seems apparent among teens throughout the EU

The skeptics could push Britain out of the EU

The skeptics could push Britain out of the EU

Computer Business Review: EU patent debate set for round two

- Computer Business Review: EU patent debate set for round two

Tribune de Geneve: Cairns group says EU undermining global trade talks with export refunds

Tribune de Geneve en ligne - - Cairns group says EU undermining global trade talks with export refunds: "Cairns group" Europe to lift arms embargo on China Europe to lift arms embargo on China

US still keeps 480 nuclear weapons in Europe

US still keeps 480 nuclear weapons in Europe

The Green Guide: Tea and Sympathy: The Growth in Fairly-Traded Foods

The Green Guide: Tea and Sympathy: The Growth in Fairly-Traded Foods

European Union threatens to suspend aid to Kenya

European Union threatens to suspend aid to Kenya


Britain: Enough Growth To Buoy Blair?

Britain: Enough Growth To Buoy Blair? U.K. Referendum on EU Constitution Can Be Won, Straw Says U.K. Referendum on EU Constitution Can Be Won, Straw Says



EU puts pressure on Italian banks to open

EU puts pressure on Italian banks to open - Devolution 'could spark EU power struggle' - Devolution 'could spark EU power struggle'

Expatica - EU crack down on state aid to airports

Expatica - EU crack down on state aid to airports

IHT: Chirac holding firm to multipolar world

IHT: Chirac holding firm to multipolar world

2/8/05 New EU breast cancer test in progress New EU breast cancer test in progress

Breast cancer is the largest killer of women between the ages of 35-55 in Europe, the test could have a dramatic effect on the number of deaths from this disease.

Howard Dean on verge of becoming US Democratic Party Chairman

Howard Dean on the verge of becoming chairman of the Democratic party.

Barring an unforeseen development, the 447 members of the DNC will elect Dean as their chairman Saturday, putting him in charging of rebuilding - and revitalizing - a political organization that finds itself at one of its lowest ebbs.

Dean reportedly views the grass-roots, disciplined Republican revolution led by Newt Gingrich and Christian Coalition strategist Ralph Reed as a better model for a Democratic comeback than the approach taken by Bill Clinton. Fox television's Major Garrett quotes Dean in his book, "The Enduring Revolution: How The Contract With America Continues To Shape The Nation," as saying Gingrich and Reed "created a real success for the right wing" while Clintonism led the Democrats into complacency and defeat.

"I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for, but I admire their discipline and their organization," Dean said at a DNC forum earlier this year.

Latest update: Iraq Coalition Casualties

Latest update: Iraq Coalition Casualties

MENAFN - Piped gas from Qatar viable: EU official

MENAFN - Middle East North Africa . Financial Network: Piped gas from Qatar viable: EU official Report shows liberalising services would boost jobs in EU Report shows liberalising services would boost jobs in EU

heise online - EU organizes Safer Internet Day

heise online - EU organizes Safer Internet Day

Scoop: Rice IV With Germanys BILD Zeitung Newspaper

Scoop: Rice IV With Germanys BILD Zeitung Newspaper

TP: France and US agree to repatriate French nationals from Guantanamo

TP: France and US agree to repatriate French nationals from Guantanamo

EU trade commissoner Mandelson to overhaul food regulations

EU trade commissoner Mandelson to overhaul food regulations

EU warns Togo after 'coup'

EU warns Togo after 'coup'

Business Report - G7 opens door to 100% relief but US threatens to torpedo UK plan

Business Report - G7 opens door to 100% relief, but US threatens to torpedo UK plan

US Congressional anger grows at perfidious Europe

US Congressional anger grows at perfidious Europe


Foreign Policy news : Straw goes on the offensive over EU Constitution 'myths'

Foreign Policy news : Straw goes on the offensive over EU Constitution 'myths'

Novost: Russian and European Cooperation in space programs

Russian Information Agency Novosti: Russian and European Cooperation in space programs

The Hindu Business Line : World economy: From uni-polar to tri-polar

The Hindu Business Line : World economy: From uni-polar to tri-polar

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: EU steps up fight against spam

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: EU steps up fight against spam

VOA News - Rice: US and EU Disagree on Resuming Arms Sales to China

VOA News - Rice: US and EU Disagree on Resuming Arms Sales to China

The Jakarta Post - Netherlands to offer 200 full scholarships to Indonesia

The Jakarta Post - Netherlands to offer 200 full scholarships to Indonesia


Turkey: Tuna Beklevic - Anatolian Youth Leaders Movement visits Miami

Tuna Beklevic - Anatolian Youth Leaders Movement visits Miami and speaks at Miami University

Daily Times Pakistan - Europe’s scientific meltdown

Daily Times Pakistan - Europe’s scientific meltdown

CS Monitor: US losing the race to engage Muslims - what will the impact be on EU Muslims? Is US losing the race to engage Muslims - what will the impact be on EU Muslims?

Breaking the Ice between Slovenia and Croatia

RADIO LIBERTY: e Ice between Slovenia and Croatia

CANOE : EU foreign policy chief: Attacking Iran would be a mistake

CANOE -- CNEWS - World: EU foreign policy chief: Attacking Iran would be a mistake

Times-Mail Online: US can work with Europe

Times-Mail Online Supplement - Bedford, IN: Opinion: US can work with Europe

Corridors of Power: Bush vs.Zapatero - (United Press International)

Corridors of Power: Bush vs.Zapatero - (United Press International)

St. Pete May Get connected to new EU Baltic Rail Link

St. Pete May Get connected to new EU Baltic Rail Link

Digital Media Europe- Microsoft announces European research initiative

Digital Media Europe- Microsoft announces European research initiative

Six research units given the go-ahead in Germany

Six research units given the go-ahead in Germany to promote cooperation between outstanding scientists and researchers in innovative research projects.

2/5/05 Europe is starting to dance to the Bush tune - (for lack of having unity on their own vision) / Home UK - Europe is starting to dance to the Bush tune (Note EU-Digest: If they dance to the Bush (and Britain's) tune, its probably for the lack of a European constitution which identifies the framework of an independent foreign policy - Therefore: VOTE YES ON THE NEW EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION

noticias - Italians First, Britons Last In EU Constitution

noticias - Italians First, Britons Last In EU Constitution

VOA News - Rice Assures Turkey US Backs United Iraq

VOA News - Rice Assures Turkey US Backs United Iraq - Russia ends de facto dollar peg and moves to align rouble with euro / World / Europe - Russia ends de facto dollar peg and moves to align rouble with euro

Daily Times - Will Europe’s sinners save themselves?

Daily Times - Will Europe’s sinners save themselves?

Citizens expect European economy to improve in next five years

Citizens expect European economy to improve in next five years

Expatica - Rifts widen in France over EU constitution

Expatica - Rifts widen in France over EU constitution


Public Technology net: EU program to boost competitiveness in the ICT sector

Public Technology net: EU program to boost competitiveness in the ICT sector

The Saudi Arabian Information Resource - Schroeder to visit Saudi Arabia

The Saudi Arabian Information Resource - Schroeder to visit Saudi Arabia

Expatica - Dutch Government unveils new integration exam

Expatica - Dutch Government unveils new integration exam

Counterbias: Iraq Is Free, Because Bush Says So

Counterbias: Iraq Is Free, Because Bush Says So

Trinidad&Tobago Express: Europe - China sees Caribbean and LA as potential strategic suppliers

Trinidad & Tobago Express: Europe - China sees Caribbean and LA as potential strategic suppliers

Commentary - Europe's Crisis - from a US conservative perspective

Commentary - Europe's Crisis - from a US conservative perspective

Lexington Herald-Leader: UK economists foresee slowdown in U.S. economy

Lexington Herald-Leader: UK economists foresee slowdown in U.S. economy

Russian Information Agency Novosti: RUSSIA HAS A CHANCE TO JOIN WTO IN 2005

Russian Information Agency Novosti: RUSSIA HAS A CHANCE TO JOIN WTO IN 2005

Daily Times - Rice to face old and new frictions in Europe

Daily Times - Rice to face old and new frictions in Europe


EUROPA - The EU Commission - Profiles, Portfolios and Homepages

EUROPA - The EU COMMISSION - Profiles, Portfolios and Homepages

Warsaw Business Journal Online - Polish Foreign Ministry says Polish version of EU constitution has 100 mistakes

Warsaw Business Journal Online - Polish Foreign Ministry says Polish version of EU constitution has 100 mistakes The European Central Bank holds borrowing costs at a six-decade low The European Central Bank holds borrowing costs at a six-decade low

France deals blow to EU services plan

France deals blow to EU services plan

Investment & Pensions Europe - Bolkestein urges Dutch to act on directive

Investment & Pensions Europe - Bolkestein urges Dutch to act on directive

EUbusiness - Tulip diplomacy blooms as EU denies split over corporate handouts

EUbusiness - Tulip diplomacy blooms as EU denies split over corporate handouts

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia: Russian edition of the book "History of Latvia: 20th Century" presented in Moscow

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia: Russian edition of the book "History of Latvia: 20th Century" presented in Moscow

RTE Business - EU big three warned to watch budgets

RTE Business - EU big three warned to watch budgets

Times Online - Europe's next big thing is jobs

Times Online - Europe's next big thing is jobs


Perception: EU Politicians are not people friendly

Perception: EU Politicians are not people friendly
A Europe House Report

With more and more Europeans complaining about knowing very little about the new European Constitution, a recent investigation by Europe House showed that one of the causes might be that most European politicians are not very people friendly.

Even though most European politicians, and in particular those at the European parliament have an e-mail address, this e-mail address is usually difficult to locate and not easily accessible by the public they serve.

What is even more disturbing, say some of the people who tried contacting their local politicians serving in the European parliament on-line, is that after making a considerable effort to find their e-mail address, most of their messages do not get answered or even acknowledged.

The situation is not much better when it comes to the local member state government civil servants. The number of heads of state or ministers who have their e-mail address listed on their national websites is just about non-existent.

Our investigation showed that most EU member state governments websites usually only provide a clickable information or comments section. These electronic mail forms do not identify where your e-mail message is going to, or if you will ever get a response to your question. In that respect, we Europeans can learn from America. Every politician and public servant in that country, including the President is easily accessible by e-mail and you will usually get a response.

There are exceptions to the rule in Europe. Mr. Heinz Fischer, the President of Austria has his e-mail address on the Austrian Website ( and can be contacted by anyone.

Instead of blaming Brussels for doing a bad job at informing the people of Europe on their future, EU politicians should do a better job at opening communications with their own constituents and become more transparent.

Everyone will benefit. RM

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