ISSN-1554-7949: News links about and related to Europe - updated daily
"The health of a democratic society may be measured by the quality of functions performed by its private citizens" - Alexis de Tocqueville
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4/30/05 forecast on economy adds to woes for Berlusconi Qui regains lead in France
EUROPA - Commissioner Verheugen: competitiveness is the key
Tiscali Europe - Eurozone Economy Grinds to a Halt USA: A Rocky First 100 Days for New Bush Term
National Review Online: Denis Boyles on EuroPress
The Future of the World Economy
NTVMSNBC: Turkey’s export hit $22 billion
Latest update: Iraq Coalition Casualties A match made in petroleum
BBC NEWS: Spanish MPs back EU constitution - UK: a serious choice on the European Union
Counter Punch: the French are At It Again
Guardian Unlimited: Boeing is the only cloud on Airbus's horizon
The A380 had also sent a "real message" to France in advance of the referendum on the European constitution, argued Bruno Loustalan in L'Eclair des Pyrenées. "When Europe works together on a project in which it has a common goal, it can move mountains."
BBC NEWS: Galileo - Sat-nav looks to smart ideas
CORDIS: Europe builds on a history of technology transfer in aerospace
Business week: EU commission proposes $146.2B 2006 budget
Business World Ireland: ECB unlikely to up rates in 2005 - S&P
In a report on the European economy, S&P said the conditions for a rate rise will undermine a stronger euro and high oil prices, which will dent growth in major euro zone economies.
Growth in the euro zone is set to remain below 2.0pc in 2005, picking up "somewhat" in 2006, with inflation expected to remain below the ECB's official 2.0pc target, S&P said.
"These forecasts provide little grounds for the ECB to raise its benchmark rate, at least in 2005," said S&P chief European economist Jean-Michel Six." Dutch Yes campaign hits streets
EUbusiness - French 'non' to EU constitution would cost Poland dear says PM Belka | Pernod’s purchase of Allied Domecq
Turks.US - EU calls on Armenians to set up joint committee with Turkey
AL-JAZEERAH: Turkish Premier in Israel to Repair Damaged Relations
EU Constitution: why you should vote yes..
Voting Yes means continuing building on a democratic, safe and
prosperous future for our children, in a strong and independent
Europe. Voting no means giving a free hand to forces which intend to
destruct the advantages achieved over the past 60 years among European
States working towards a common purpose. The choice should not be
Le Scrutin d'Oui veut dire de continuer à tirer parti d'un avenir
démocratique, sûr et prospère pour nos enfants dans une
Europe forte et indépendante. Le scrutin Non donnant une main libre
aux forces qui ont l'intention de détruire les avantages accomplis
pendant les 60 ans passés parmi les États européens travaillant
vers un but commun. Le choix ne devrait pas être
Uw JA stem voor de Europese Grondwet geeft Europa de kans om door te
werken aan een democratische, veilige en economisch gezonde toekomst
voor onze kinderen in een sterk en zelfstandig Europa. Een nee stem
geeft de vrije hand aan machten die als doel hebben om de reeds
bereikte resultaten, gedurende 60 jaar van samenwerking tussen
Europese Mogendheden, te vernietigen. De keus moet niet moeilijk
Go to EU-Digest at for more information Why Blair must rescue the EU constitution
IHT: Sizing up German economy's stagnation French Economy
Europe House: The Blogs are here to stay
According to the blog search-engine firm Technorati, 23,000 new blogs are created every day - or roughly one every three seconds. About 12 percent of Americans are now reading political blogs (26 million people) using a medium that didn't really exist five years ago. In Europe: EU-Digest is among one of the most read European Economic and Political news blogs. What makes Blogs like EU-Digest refreshing in comparison to mainstream news-providers is that they have realized that politics is not based on a battle of technology, but a battle of ideas. By voicing opinions which take a fresh approach to change, Blogs like EU-Digest are providing a variety of ideas and choices to large numbers of people, who before, could only rely on what their politicians and mainstream press told them." Dollar Advances slightly against EURO and Yen as economic expansion falters and EU Constitution hits snags in France and Holland
Germany's six leading economic institutions today cut their projection for growth to 0.7 percent, from 1.5 percent.
Demand for the euro was also limited by speculation referendums in France and the Netherlands will reject the European Union's draft constitution. An IPP institute poll showed 58.2 percent of Dutch people would vote against the charter, reported today.
German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder lent his support to French President Jacques Chirac's call for a ``yes'' vote, in a joint statement published today. The French vote is on May 29.
``This becomes more relevant the closer we get to the date,'' said Daragh Maher, a currency strategist in London at Calyon, the securities unit of Credit Agricole SA. ``It's a euro negative'' should constitution-supporters such as Chirac fail to turn opinion around, he said. The euro may fall to $1.2760 in two weeks, he said."
Transport News Network - European Parliament agrees new text for driving and rest rules legislation
Setimes: EU Urges Turkey to Step Up Reforms Ahead of Membership Talks
CBC News: Romania, Bulgaria sign up to join European Union
The Economic Times: Will global markets survive US recession?
Is the fear of another 1930-model depression justified?
The reality is it is too early to say whether the current slowdown will translate into global depression. In his writings Milton Friedman has blamed central bank policies for causing the Great Depression of 1930.
According to Friedman the Federal Reserve failed to pump enough reserves into the banking system to prevent a collapse in the money stock. But the situation has changed dramatically now. Most economists are adamant that modern central banks know how to counter the menace of a severe recession.
The predictions of a worst-case scenario, as predicted by several doomsday commentators like economist & fund manager Marc Faber, economist Mark Watson etc, is that the world economy will slide into depression in next 6 months to one year with the crash of commodity prices triggered by the end of the boom in Chinese demand."
The Nation: Bush's War on the Press
EUbusiness - Poll shows Dutch leaning to 'no' vote in EU constitution referendum - Prodi warns over French rejection of EU constitution
Kansas City Star: Europe, U.S. reach deal on accounting
AP Wire: Black Sea countries aim for European ties
BBC NEWS: What the EU constitution says
Europe House: Voting Yes means continuing building on a democratic, safe and prosperous future for our children, in a strong and independent Europe. Voting no means giving a free hand to forces which intend to destruct the advantages achieved over the past 60 years among European States working towards a common purpose. The choice should not be difficult!
Europe House: le Scrutin d'Oui veut dire de continuer à tirer parti d'un avenir démocratique, sûr et prospère pour nos enfants dans une Europe forte et indépendante. Le scrutin Non donnant une main libre aux forces qui ont l'intention de détruire les avantages accomplis pendant les 60 ans passés parmi les États européens travaillant vers un but commun. Le choix ne devrait pas être difficile!
Europe House: Uw JA stem voor de Europese Grondwet geeft Europa de kans om door te werken aan een democratische, veilige en economisch gezonde toekomst voor onze kinderen in een sterk en zelfstandig Europa. Een nee stem geeft de vrije hand aan machten die als doel hebben om de reeds bereikte resultaten, gedurende 60 jaar van samenwerking tussen Europese Mogendheden, te vernietigen. De keus moet niet moeilijk zijn!"
The Globe and Mail: Greenspan raises the warning signals on the US deficit
DID THE TURKS UNDERTAKE A PLANNED AND SYSTEMATIC MASSACRE OF THE ARMENIANS IN 1915? / Home UK - Blair is still a beacon to leaders on the left
Iraq remains in turmoil: Latest update Iraqi Coalition and Civilian Casualties
Telematics Journal: New European Union Rules Force Migration to Lead-Free Hardware
Islam Online- New Pope’s Christian Europe Raises Turkish Fears
ESA Portal - “Towards a Europe of Knowledge and Innovation”, the EIRO forum paper on science policy
ZAMAN DAILY: Turkish Textile Sector Petitions EU Against China
IHT: The price of arrogance
The Peninsula On-line: Schroeder to help Chirac in EU vote campaign
The Peninsula On-line: French, Dutch warn no second vote on EU constitution
The Korea Times : Is This Recovery Real?
The Independent: Schroder deputy urges boycott of unpatriotic German Companies
Guardian Unlimited: Eurosceptics may soon bless the French left Greece ratifies EU Constitution
BBC NEWS: The new Pope Benedict XVI - former member of the Hitler Youth to lead the Catholic Church
"The new Pope Benedict XVI (78) - a hardline German conservative Cardinal, former member of the Hitler Youth and close friend of Pope John Paul the second was elected today to lead the Catholic Church
One of his first campaigns was against liberation theology, which had gained ground among priests in Latin America and elsewhere as a means of involving the Church in social activism and human rights issues.
He has described homosexuality as a "tendency" towards an "intrinsic moral evil". During the US election campaign, he called for pro-choice politicians to be denied Communion.
He has also argued that Turkey should not be admitted into the European Union.
At the age of 14, he joined the Hitler Youth, as was required of young Germans of the time, but was not an enthusiastic member.
His studies at Traunstein seminary were interrupted during World War II when he was drafted into an anti-aircraft unit in Munich.
He deserted the German army towards the end of the war and was briefly held as a prisoner of war by the Allies in 1945.
The eighth German to become Pope, he speaks 10 languages and is said to be an accomplished pianist with a preference for Beethoven. "
Sofia News Agency: EU Journalists Explore Bulgaria's Economy
EUROPA - Economic Growth in the EU, the Reform of the Stability and Growth Pact and Renewing the Lisbon Strategy
at the European Institute, Washington DC, 18 April 2005
4/18/05 Malta - KMB on warpath with MLP over EU Constitution treaty European Music Festival 2005
Times of Oman: Pro EU and Unity candidate Talat takes over as Turkish Cypriot president
Xinhua - French voters urged to vote for EU Constitution
A2Gay: British Climate Proposals Rejected By European Union
Guardian Unlimited: Annan says US and UK allowed Iraqi oil scam
Yahoo! News - Cornered Berlusconi Battles to Resolve Govt Chaos
Express Textile: Changing policy environment in the European Union
Brownfield: European Union demands gluten be certified Bt10 free
Expatica - Silver jubilee for Queen Beatrix
The Prague Post Online: Czech President Klaus campaigns against EU Constitution
CBS News | Italian Journalist: U.S. Lied about shooting incident which killed bodyguard.
Guardian Unlimited: For a Pax Europeana - Referendums that threaten to undermine European unity
JTW News - European mayors to meet in Ankara, Turkey Blair pledges full support for EU Constitution
Auto Insider: Weak demand and Easter break hit West European car sales
Turkish Daily News: Doğan sells Dışbank to Belgian-Dutch Fortis group for $1.26 billion EU Constitution referendum : “It is about democracy … stupid!” - Dutch in disarray over EU constitution - The UK - The Work Horse of the European Union?
4/12/05 EU Finance Ministers Express Oil Concerns
EUROPA - Rem Koolhaas receives the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture/Mies van der Rohe Award 2005
Yesterday in the Catalan capital, Rem Koolhaas was presented with the European Union Prize - an award for works of architecture - by Ján Figel’, the European Commissioner responsible for Education, Training, Culture and Multilingualism, and Joan Clos, the mayor of Barcelona. The work honoured by the panel of judges was the Dutch embassy in Berlin.
During a ceremony held today in Barcelona, the European Commissioner responsible for Culture, Ján Figel’, and the mayor of the city, Joan Clos, presented the Dutch architect, Rem Koolhaas, with the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture.
The biannual prize, established in 2001 on the initiative of the European Commission and the Mies van der Rohe Foundation, rewards excellence and innovation in the conceptual, technical and constructional qualities of European works. Created within the framework of the European Culture 2000 programme, and with a prize of €50 000 and a sculpture by the Catalan artist Xavier Corberó, the competition is aimed at both experienced and novice architects. In total, 242 works of architecture were nominated for the prize that was open to projects completed between 1 January 2003 and 31 December 2004, by experts in the field and national architecture associations throughout Europe. An international panel of judges comprising nine members[1] and presided over by Zaha Hadid (who was awarded the prize in 2003) chose the winner from a list of five finalists that included – besides the Dutch embassy in Berlin – the headquarters of Swiss Re in London, the Selfridges & Co department store in Birmingham, the Forum 2004 esplanade in Barcelona and the Braga municipal stadium in Portugal.
The St. Petersburg Times Russia: Never Mind the Speed of Reforms, Look at Their Quality
café babel: In 40 years time the complete conversion to renewable energy will have been achieved
Expatica: Netherlands and KLM in showdown with US
Dutch airline KLM has demanded the US explain how it gained insight into passenger details of a flight US authorities turned back from its airspace despite the fact it was not scheduled to land on American territory. The flight with 278 passengers left Schiphol on Friday and was approaching Canada when the pilot was informed that US authorities had refused the plane permission to enter US airspace.
The pilot was told two of the passengers were considered to be a risk, apparently due to terrorism fears. Landing and refueling for a diverted flight to Mexico was not possible, forcing the plane to turn back to Schiphol.
The two passengers who were on the US 'no-fly list' were not arrested at Schiphol and were flown via England back to Saudi Arabia, their land of origin, where they were not refused entry either. Neither British nor Dutch authorities decided to detain them. A Dutch politicians suggested that the Dutch Government should immediately ask the US Ambassador for clarification and added: - This is what we can expect to happen on a more frequent basis if we vote against the EU Constitution and can not have one voice against this US arrogance."
Science & Innovation Conference: Creating Wealth from Knowledge Thursday 26th May 2005, QEII Conference Centre, London
TDailyNews: Survey: Turkish-led NGOs in Europe don’t use their capacity to promote Turkey
4/10/05 - Why France is running scared of EU constitution
WTO | Director-General selection - Pascal Lamy, biography
Yahoo! News - Cardinal Law's Role in Rome Sparks Outrage in U.S.
Businessweek online: Britain: If The Economy Ain't Broke...
In memory of Pope John Paul II
EU-DIGEST - Pope John Paul II is buried
Rick Morren
Today Pope John Paul the second was buried. As we watched the funeral of this worldly celebrity we experienced a variety of emotions. One was the awe about the pompous ceremony organized by the Catholic Church hierarchy as it buried its religious leader attended by millions of people.
But God does things in mysterious ways. As the ceremony came to an end the true spirit of the Gospel was revealed, when the Presidents of Iran, Israel and Syria shook hands. But it did not end there. As is the custom at Christian funerals, ordinary citizens, political leaders of all faiths, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Christians shook hands and many even embraced.
- This is my commandment, That you love each other, as I have loved you - re: Bible-John 15:12.
With these historical handshakes the God of Love turned the Pope’s funeral into a testimony for the GOSPEL. The message that came across from this Globally televised funeral was that people of all faiths and political direction can not only work towards Peace and Unity, they have the duty to do so. It was an amazing moment which was certainly not choreographed by the Church.
The Pope’s greatest service in glorifying God’s Word came at his death.
Praise the Lord – Allah Agbar
Hellenic News of America: Greek Independence Day - China could overtake US in broadband access this year - six of top 10 are European
At the end of December, the U.S. had 33.9 million broadband subscribers, and China 25.8 million. Six of the top 10 countries ranked by broadband market penetration are now European. In its totality the EU now has the largest number of broadband subscribers in the world. Japan had 18.1 million broadband subscribers, South Korea 11.9 million, Germany 6.9 million, France 6.8 million and the U.K. 6.1 million, the company said.
There are around 150.5 million broadband subscribers worldwide, using either DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) or cable modems, Point Topic estimated. That number grew by 50 million in 2004, and will rise to 215 million by the end of the year."
PINR - Lifting the European Union's Arms Embargo: Geopolitical Wins and Losses
4/7/05 - World Bank: Economy peaked in '04
U.S. and worldwide economic growth peaked in 2004, the World Bank said Wednesday in a report that predicted a gradual economic slowdown, while not entirely ruling out a global recession.
Global economic activity is projected to slow fairly sharply in 2005 before stabilizing in 2006 and picking up somewhat in 2007, the World Bank said in its annual Global Development Finance report. But the bank called that the relatively benign scenario and warned it could be worse.An abrupt increase in interest rates, a further large and precipitous depreciation of the dollar, a larger-than-anticipated hike in oil prices or a resurgence of protectionist sentiment could provoke a significant slowdown or even recession in the global economy, the World Bank said in its report.
Regarding the dollar issue, the World Bank said the currency was expected to decline another 10% in the next few years. Interest rates are rising in the USA while remaining largely unchanged in other major economies, such as in Europe."
CSMonitor: Bush faces decline in approval ratings
Several major polls have shown Bush's job approval declining into the mid-40s, a drop of 5 to 7 points in just a week - in some cases, at or near an all-time low for his presidency. The latest Gallup Poll also shows the highest public pessimism over the economy in two years, with 33 percent saying it is getting better and 59 percent saying it is getting worse."
Counterpunch: An American Catholic Reflects on the Papacy of John Paul II UBS, Deutsche Bank, Merrill Predict Dollar Will Resume Decline
The current US account deficit widened to 5.7 percent of gross domestic product in the final three months of last year, the most ever, the Commerce Department said on March 16. The gap, which set a record every quarter in 2004, means the U.S. has to attract $1.8 billion a day to maintain the value of the dollar, according to Bloomberg calculations."
BBC NEWS: Europe's space industry takes off
Despite these successes, one in five workers in Europe's space industry have lost their jobs in recent years because of a slump in demand for satellites from the telecoms sector. Yet help could now be at hand thanks to a new player in the space business - the European Union. The French-based company Arianespace is a key player in the European space industry. It has been responsible for putting more than 250 satellites into orbit, and last year it ordered 30 new heavy Ariane 5 launching rockets from the European aerospace giant EADS. This multi-billion dollar order has put rocket production on a much firmer economic footing, says Arianespace's chief executive, Jean Yves Le Gall.
Arianespace has half of the market of the commercial launches, he says. "In the field of the scientific programme, Europe has got tremendous results. Europe today plays a leading role and with probably a much more efficient system than its competitors.
The German city of Bremen is home to the team which makes the second stage of Europe's massive Ariane 5 rocket - which can carry up to 10 tonnes - or two satellites at once - into orbit."
Aljazeera.Net - Turkey welcomes Kurdish leader Talabani's election as President of Iraq
The Globe and Mail: US Government tightens border security requirements with Canada
Young People Now: European Union: Youth pact promises policy consistency for EU
café babel: A European Identity: Let everyone join in Turkey postpones enforcement of its penal code because of "technical reasons"
Mr Gul explained the government wanted to answer questions coming from non-governmental organizations (NGOs). But the media have also raised concerns about the freedom of press in the past few weeks.
There are concerns that some of the new measures on freedom of expression and of the press were more restrictive than the ones they were supposed to improve, according to the Financial Times. The new code initially planned to come into force today, will not be enforced before 1 June, giving the government a re-evaluation period."
AP: Venezuela's Oil Minister Says OPEC Running Out of Spare Production Capacity
Red Herring: Selling high tech products to the poor News - France's 'Yes' Launches EU Constitution Napkin Campaign
If the referendum fails in France it will be a disaster for President Jacques Chirac. It will also give the European Commission an almighty headache because a “No“ in any EU country sinks the constitution and sends everyone back to the drawing board."
The Budapest Sun Online - A woman as Head of State in Hungary
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: EU is confident in biotech safeguards
News Dissector - Day 3 of the Pope's death on TV
The cameras are still running full speed at the Vatican and may yet get to show us all two million mourners expected this week. President Bush, the US religious leader-in-chief, has announced he will be the first President in U.S. history to attend a Pope's funeral. Another nail in the coffin of traditional notions of the separation of church and state. What politician wants to miss the glare of global media. When you are on TV, you exist. One is also starting to wonder about the objectivity of the Press. They have either gone crazy, or they are on the payroll of the Catholic Church PR Department? In case we forgot - the Pope was a human being just like you and me, and as a servant of God, the Pope and the Catholic Church should be aware, that the BIBLE is very specific about that role: - Verily, verily, I say unto you. The servant is not greater than his Lord, neither he that is sent greater than he that sent him- JOHN, Chapter 13, verse 16."
Times on-line: Chirac enters fray as more join the 'non' bandwagon
Citigroup holds first place. It is followed by another three US companies General Electric, insurance corporation American International Group and the Bank of America. Fifth place belongs to British banking corporation HSBC. ExxonMobil, Royal Dutch/Shell and British Petroleum are in 6th, 7th and 8th places correspondingly. Dutch finance group ING is in ninth place, and Japanese carmaker Toyota is in 10th place."
The EU Constitution - the choice is simple - YES
The European Union, Canada and others to levy sanctions on U.S goods
Apart from Canada and the EU, six other countries, including South American neighbors Mexico, Brazil, and Chile plus South Korea, India, and Japan, some close allies of the United States, may join the sanctions.
The move would mean additional duties, extending up to 15%, may be levied mainly on textiles, paper and machinery exported to the E.U. and live swine, cigarettes and oysters sent to Canada.
The U.S. will now be pressured to amend the law, called the Byrd Amendment, passed by the Congress four years ago. It provides for the U.S. companies, rather than the Treasury, to receive anti-dumping duties levied on foreign manufacturers dumping goods in the U.S. market. This rule has benefited several U.S. firms, especially those in steel industry."
Consumer tastes shift slowly as gas prices race ahead
In Europe where gasoline prices are close to $5.00 a gallon, fuel efficient cars have a 95% market share in most countries"