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Los Angeles Times: When Europe calls, there are 10 reasons to answer

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When Europe calls, there are 10 reasons to answer

ALARMED by skyrocketing gas prices and the prospect of an ever-weakening American economy, my husband casually announced one morning that maybe we should "rethink" the two trips we plan to take to Europe this year: three weeks in Amsterdam and Germany in July and two weeks in Paris at Christmas.

There are many adventurous places to visit in the U.S., but there is something especially bonding about moving through a new culture, often with a new language, and trying to figure it out together.If gas prices are a consideration, remember: European cities are best explored without a car. And you can go from city to city by train. How fun is that? Food costs are similar everywhere, and with little kids we don't eat out a lot (in Paris, we will probably make an exception) so that's a wash.

Going to a new country levels the playing field: the food, the marketplaces, the money are new to you, and you'll be amazed at how much quicker the kids' learning curve is than yours. Which is a great experience for everyone.

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