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AlterNet: Environment: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products - European Union Protects its Citizens Against Dangerous Toxins-by Vanja Petrovic

For the complete report from AlterNet click on this link

The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products - "Can the European Union Still Protect Its Citizens Against Dangerous Toxins"-by Vanja Petrovic

"Investigative journalist Mark Schapiro discusses why companies that manufacture hazard-free products for the European Union often produce toxin-filled versions of the same items for America and developing countries. American industry would have you believe that taking potentially hazardous and toxic chemicals out of everyday consumer products -- removing phthalates from children's toys and cancer-causing coal tar from hair dye -- would damage the US economy and result in a loss of American jobs. In his latest book, Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products, Mark Schapiro busts this myth and reveals the grim fact that some companies, whether American or international, often have two production lines: one that manufactures hazard-free products for the European Union and another that produces toxin-filled versions of the same items for America and developing countries.

Note EU-Digest: Another good reason to keep strong common European laws embodied in the European Union to protect its citizens from the onslaught of ruthless American or international companies who are trying to convince European legislators to approve the use of so called "safe" toxic chemicals and genetically engineered agricultural products and food. The genetech industry is working silently as they push products onto the market at an ever increasing rate creating a 'fait-accompli' while the political establishment basically stays silent. Consumer opinion has been ignored and consumers have been treated with contempt and without discussion. It seems these industries are arrogantly determined to push this technology on the consumer whether it wants it or not."

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