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French Embassy Washington: The Official French Position on its relationship with the US

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The following views reflect France's official position and were made available to us by the Embassy of France Press and Communications department in Washington.

Q: Does France consider, as the White House has just said, that Paris and Washington are on the verge of a new era in relations? What are
the issues France and the U.S. are working on most closely together?

A: "France and the United States closely share views on a number of subjects, whether they be terrorism, Lebanon, Iran or Afghanistan, to mention but a few. As for the statement you mention, I would simply say that France and the United States have been linked for more than two centuries by History.

In a letter of engagement
from M. Nicolas Sarkozy, President of the Republic, to M. Jean-Claude
Mallet, Member of the Conseil d'Etat, Paris, July 31, 2007 he states: "Today, some critical decisions will have to be taken regarding the country's (France) defence and be reflected in the next military estimates Act. This Act must establish the
credibility of our defence, whilst respecting the State's financial
constraints. To take account of all these parameters in a coherent approach, I have
decided to launch an in-depth review of our general defence policy. It will have to lead to a new White Paper. This review will be conducted under the auspices of a commission of which I have decided to appoint you chairman. The future White Paper will define a comprehensive concept of our country's defence and its interests. It will focus on the areas of defence and security. It will have to cover the next 15 years or so, whilst being regularly up-date-able.

"I ask you to pay special attention to strengthening the European dimension of our defence and security policy and our contribution to the security of the Atlantic Alliance as a whole."

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