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EU-Digest: Turkey: European Retirees Completely Happy In Alanya - excerpts translated from a report in Dutch by Ahmet Olgun

A special report on Europeans living in Alanya Turkey

Turkey: European Retirees Completely Happy In Alanya - excerpts translated from a report in Dutch by Ahmet Olgun

In Turkey during the old days, when their parents died, the daughters always received the worst piece of land,usually the land closest to the sea which was salty earth and on which little would grow.The good lands went to the sons. They were more inland and away from the ocean. In Alanya, the irony of this discrimination has been that today women, are now laughing all the way to the bank, after they sold their once worthless property to developers, Alanya haqs become the fastest developing tourist and retirement location in Turkey.There now are approximately 13,000.00 Europeans who call Alanya their permanent home and many thousands more who own vacation homes. Ofthe permanent European population, the Germans lead the list, followed by the Danes, Russians and Dutch. Appartments are cheap, the climate is great, and the locl population recives them with open arms say the Europeans who live there. Several younger Europeans who have also chosen Alanya for business activities, mainly in real estate, are making millions. Dutchman Yorg van Bavel (33) who came to Alanya after he graduated in Holland, joined up with a Turkish partner and is now President of a multi-million euro construction and real estate empire.Marti Zingstra (51) who after her divorce arrived went to Mahmutlar with one suitcase and had to find a job, got involved in a car rental company and real estate. Today as she sips her Raki at her own beautiful villa. She now has a networth of about 2 million euro's.

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