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OpedNews: Building Economic and Poltical Systems based on Reality - by Michael Richards

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Building Economic and Political Systems based on Reality - by Michael Richards

"This is a call for active citizens to build a new community order. A new world order will rise up from the grassroots as we organize sustainable communities at the local level. We will build networks of communication and connection to build the emerging planetary culture. For two hundred years, the human race has been calling for major change. The American Revolution answered the call, however, the admonition from Thomas Jefferson that we “need a revolution in each generation was not heeded. The advances of human liberty have suffered progressively ever since that time. We are now at a crisis in human civilization; are we going to choose the path of liberty again or let fear lead us down the road to totalitarian government?In our current political milieu, Barack Obama may use the word “change” as an empty political slogan, but neither he nor any other present leader is presenting options for real systemic change. All of our present “leaders” are selling some lame version of the status quo that can no longer work. Our present “leaders” are all asleep at the wheel, heading down a one way road to oblivion. We need to have the courage to face the fact that we have no real leaders at present.When there are no leaders in sight, it is time to step forward and lead. A new leader must offer a “new covenant”… a new perception, a way to renew society with methods that work in the real world. Our planet has a clearly defined set of ecological systems that we must integrate with. The problem is, our present leaders are stuck in a past paradigm that is now totally obsolete. They cannot offer any real solutions because they do not have the perception to see new solutions. I step forward as a new leader with a clearly focused new perception. A new way of thinking and a new way of acting. I call out to my fellow evolutionaries to gather in small communities to build a new society from the ground up. Our present economic structures are so corrupt that we must begin anew. We must now create new structures by applying the scientific method to human action and interaction. Our present systems are based on myth, rather than on reality."

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