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EU-Digest/ABC News: EU: Climate Deal Hinges on US, China

For the complete report from ABC News click on this link

Global warming cannot be reversed unless the United States and China commit to meaningful cuts in their greenhouse gas emissions, the EU said Tuesday. With two weeks to go before a global climate conference, the EU urged Washington and Beijing to come to the Copenhagen event with meaningful bids to slash carbon dioxide emissions."Without a bid from the USA and China, only half of the emissions are covered" by a global deal, Swedish Environment Minister Andreas Carlgren, whose country holds the EU presidency, told the European Parliament. "An agreement in Copenhagen must cover all the emissions of the world," he added. "An agreement is totally dependent on sufficient bids from the USA and China." At least 65 world leaders will attend the Copenhagen climate summit in December as representatives of 191 nations seek agreement on a new global treaty on limiting emissions of greenhouse gases. U.S. officials said this week the Obama administration will soon announce its targets. Washington has resisted doing so without the backing of Congress, which is not expected to pass climate legislation until next year at the earliest.

Note EU-Digest: The EU seems to be taking a defeatist stand - the solution to this "game playing" and "delay tactics" by China and the US in reference to a new global treaty limiting emissions of greenhouse gases can be quite simple - the EU in coalition with all the "Willing Global Pollution Buster Countries" should sign an agreement in Copenhagen. Those not willing to sign the Copenhagen treaty should be given the opportunity to sign any time they please, with the specification that unless they sign the agreement, their export products will be given an additional "green tax" by Copenhagen signatory importing countries to combat the unfair market advantages the pollution produced products have.

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