The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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People| Restaurants| Movies| Music & Nightlife| Performing Arts| Visual Arts| Books| TV| Comics & Games Posted on Wednesday, 12.21.11Posted on Wednesday, 12.21.11 var addthis_share = { templates: { twitter: '{{title}} {{url}} via @miamiherald' }, url_transforms : { shorten: { twitter: 'bitly' } }, shorteners : { bitly : { login: 'miamiherald', apiKey: 'R_c391265db81e2908eaab21d177be8356' } } } var addthis_config = { services_compact: 'facebook, twitter, myspace, digg, delicious, reddit, linkedin, stumbleupon, favorites, more', services_exclude: 'print' } 1 email print comment reprint tool name close [x] tool goes here Lenny Kravitz moving into Miami condo he designed /* * Tell JavaScript how much of each type of content there is */ storyVideoCount = 0; storyVideoBoxCount = 0; storyVideoOldTypeCount = 0; storyAudioCount = 0; storyPhotoCount = 1; storyPhotoGalleryCount = 0; storyGoogleMapCount = 0; storyMapBoxCount = 0; Kravitz Stephen Lovekin / Getty Images Photo Lenny Kravitz is moving in. The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons]. Kravitz recalled hanging out at neighborhood restaurants and doing things locals do.“There is this perception from people who are not from here that they feel like they have to be on South Beach,’’ said the Fly Away singer. “What I like is to go to some hole in the wall and get some great Jamaican food and hang with graffiti artists, then do the sort of posh, upscale things. It’s all about the mix. That’s what makes a great city; it can’t all be glossy.’’Kravitz sees the Omni area/Design District a little like Manhattan in the 1980s.“When I first lived there I lived in SoHo when SoHo was nasty. I was on Broome Street, which was an extension of the Bowery. Now the Bowery’s not even the Bowery anymore,’’ he says. “The fact that this whole area has been, and is, developing with galleries and interesting places, it’s really changing the Miami lifestyle.’’His vision for the condominium was to “make it attractive to a lot of different people.’’“It’s stylized with textured earth tones like a boutique hotel,’’ he says. “But it also has that sort of loose, casual attitude like you can be in your flip-flops. Being comfortable, at least for me, is the most important thing.’’ 0diggsdigg email print Share Twitter var comment_headline=$('#storyBody > h1:first').text (); Join the discussion The Miami Herald is pleased to provide this opportunity to share information, experiences and observations about what's in the news. Some of the comments may be reprinted elsewhere in the site or in the newspaper. 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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
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The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
Read more here: singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
The singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business loungeRead more here: singer-cum-interior decorator, 47, is taking an apartment at the Paramount Bay condo at 2020 North Bayshore Drive. And well he should. His New York company, Kravitz Design, did all the amenities for the 47-floor, 346 unit tower including the spa, lobby, pool area, club room and business lounge.Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
Kravitz showed off his work Monday night, and it was evident that being back in Miami — the Biscayne Corridor, to be exact — feels good.“I grew up here on and off,’’ he said from a model unit. “My mother’s side is from the Bahamas, and a lot of my relatives settled here. Not South Beach. This is the part of Miami that I knew.’’ [His late mom is Roxie Roker, who played Helen Willis in The Jeffersons].
Note EU-Digest: Lenny Kravitz toured Europe from 16 October to 29 November this year which also coincided with the release of his new album "Black and White America".
For more: Lenny Kravitz moving into Miami condo he designed - People -
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