How bad was it? Washington Post editorialist Eugene Robinson called the voyage the “Romney Tour ’12—Gaffepalooza”. French newsweekly Nouvel Observateur described it as having lurched “from failures to polemics.” Outraged over his second-guessing of London’s Olympic preparations, UK tabloid The Sun dubbed Romney “Mitt the Twit.” And French daily le Figaro—a militantly partisan supporter of conservatives no matter where they hail from—ran the headline question Tuesday, “Is Mitt Romney A Loser?”
Given all that, it’s probably fair to say the journey didn’t quite fulfill Romney’s hopes of solidifying his bone fides as an international statesman. Instead, it seemed no one wanted to miss out on the Kick-A-Mitt media action taking place as his tour wound up Tuesday. In fact, all that was missing from that coverage was another entertaining Gail Collins question about whether Romney’s dog might have been strapped to the roof of his airplane.
Read more: After Gaffe-Filled Foreign Tour, Europe Asks: “Is Mitt Romney a Loser?” | World | TIME.com
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