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'Free market' is a myth - by Stephen Goldstein

Heaven forbid, reject the sanctity of the "free market" and you're branded a socialist-communist pariah. In short, the "free market" is the equivalent of God to a very large number of brainwashed people, the ultimate economic moral authority.

But the truth is: the "free market" is the Devil — an evil, menacing genie. Whatever virtues economists might ascribe to it in theory are regularly perverted by the reality of the grasping and unscrupulous among us.

The "free market" is a myth, perpetuated by vested interests to guarantee their ongoing success, justify however low they have to go to ensure it, and delude poor schnooks into thinking that, if they're not filthy rich, they're lazy and un-American. In fact, a truly "free market" is a license to steal — and the likelihood thieves will never be caught, caught after too many people have been ripped off, or caught too late to make their punishment fit their crime(s).

Read more: Stephen Goldstein: 'Free market' is a myth - South Florida

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