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EU-US relations under Trump - "not impossible he changes"

The US, once leader of the free world, needs a President that would not spread hate, top EU politician Guy Verhofstadt said on Twitter.

At this point, a re-election of Trump next year could go either way, this analyst believes.

"If he continues along the path that he's on and the way in which he has, I think, consciously been pushing the Europeans hard and uncomfortably and in a way that they are not accustomed to, yes, it's quite possible that in another four years the relationship could be much more divisive.

But one thing that I think Europeans need to bear in mind is that when George W. Bush ran for a second term, the policy in his first term and his second term were very different, specifically with respect to the EU. So it's not impossible that Mr. Trump too can make a change."

Europeans are very unhappy with the changes Trump did make during his first term.

Read more: EU-US relations under Trump - "not impossible he changes" | Euronews

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