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US-China tech race: Beijing has strength to catch up with US lead - by Audrey Cher

The United States might be leading in some areas of its technology race with China — but experts warn against the world’s largest economy resting on its laurels, urging instead for cooperation with allies and shifts in domestic policy.

Alongside trade war developments between the U.S. and China, both parties have been embroiled in growing competition to dominate various fields of next-generation technology, such as 5G networks and artificial intelligence.

5G refers to the latest mobile networking technology that promises super-fast download speeds and the ability to underpin critical infrastructure. That’s one reason why it is seen as crucial technology for both countries.

In the last few years, Beijing has laid out a number of plans it hopes will turn China into a world leader in various tech areas:
 Read more at: US-China tech race: Beijing has strength to catch up with US lead

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