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Canada - US relations: 59% of U.S. Voters Support Canadian Truckers in ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest - Majority of Canadians don't

Canada’s prime minister has invoked emergency powers in an attempt to shut down a protest by truckers seeking an end to COVID-19 restrictions, but most American voters support the so-called “Freedom Convoy” – and think a similar protest here would be a good idea.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 59% of Likely U.S. voters support the Canadian trucker protest, including 42% who Strongly Support the “Freedom Convoy.” Thirty-three percent (33%) of voters oppose the trucker protest against Canada’s COVID-19 restrictions, including 21% who Strongly Oppose the protest.

Note EU-Digest: n fact, poll after poll -- including the very poll Ungar-Sargon was referencing -- has shown that most Canadians oppose the protests and support both vaccination mandates and various restrictions intended to limit the spread of the virus. The polling figures suggest it is Fox's cheerleading for the protests that is out of touch with the views of a significant majority of the Canadian public.

Read more at: 59% of U.S. Voters Support Canadian Truckers in ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protest - Rasmussen Reports®

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