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USA Derailing - What is happening to Amerca ? - my favorite beacon of Democracy - by RM

To all of us who care and still have an interest in the survival of the US as a beacon of Democracy, things are not looking good.

In Ohio at the Republican primary, the candidate supported by the former president, a crook, lier, imposter, who should be in jail, won the primary.

This, in a country where now all major Social Media is in hands of US oligarchs, while no proper gun control laws in the US are resulting in the death of a record number of US innocent lives.

Internationally, in Ukraine, the population is slowly but surely being exterminated by Russian troops, led by the crazed power hungry Putin, while the US and her Western allies are too scared to issue Putin an ultimatum to negotiate or else, for fear of a nuclear war, giving Putin the opportunity to continue nibbling away at Europe, All this while China becomes the new Global Power, which in a way is already happened.
ANYWAY In order to end this pessimistic note with a French conclusion: "Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose : the more that changes, the more it's the same thing ".

Read more at: kttpa://

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