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Russia - Ukraine war: "Blessed are the peacemqkers for they will be called sons of God"

Isn't it high time for BOTH Russia and Ukraine to  "swallow their pride" and stop having more and  more innocent people on both sides of this conflict getting killed every day, and start negotiating instead, under the auspices of the EU, which is not only bordering the warring parties, but also the best qualified to do so. 

This, instead of having war mongers, corrupt politicians, and the weapons industry "laugh all the way to the bank". 

Who knows, maybe these negotiations could eventually result in both Ukraine and Russia both becoming members of the EU, and another benefit, no more need for NATO or Russian Millitary Alliances.

 Sounds crazy ?  Not at all - it's called PEACE. And if you do  not believe that, check out Mathew 5, verse 9

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