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EU-Digest: Europe - Polls, Perceptions and Marketing

This is a EU-Digest special report on its poll results

Results of the first three EU-Digest mini-polls conducted since December 2006.

1) Should Turkey join the EU ?
82% said they should and 18% said they should not.

2) Are Europeans dominated by marketing oriented US culture?
57.1% said the US is dominating European culture and 42.9% said they are not influencing European Culture

3) Are you in favor of further EU expansion without a Constitution ?
30.2% of the respondents said yes to expansion without a Constitution and 69.8% said Europe needs a constitution before it expands any further.

Participate in our latest EU-Digest poll: Could individual EU nation states survive going it alone in the Global Community?

Polls are interesting because every poll can be designed to give a predictable result by the way the question of the poll is phrased. If the EU Commission really wants to promote greater enthusiasm about the benefits of the EU and a sense of unity at all levels of the EU population, it should engage some of the best professional marketing agencies in the world to come up with strategies and programs that work. Academics in universities or NGO's are not up to do this task. Creative marketers who have succeeded to make us believe through innovative commercials that children can not live without sugar coated cornflakes, will surely also be able to convince us that individual European Nations can not survive in a competitive and hostile global market place without being united under the EU banner. It certainly will be worth the investment.

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