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Daily News: US Health Care: House passes health care reform bill; Vote garners only one Republican - by Michael Mcauliff

For the complete report from the NY Daily News

The biggest overhaul of America's medical system since Medicare took a big step forward Saturday night, narrowly passing the House with a controversial amendment to restrict coverage of abortion. Democrats cheered and high-fived each other in the House chamber after lawmakers voted 220 to 215 to pass the landmark measure at 11:12 p.m. A lone GOPer, Rep. Joseph Cao of Louisiana, backed the bill, while 39 Dems defected. "Oh, what a night!" declared House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who was forced to make major concessions to conservatives, including adding a controversial abortion restriction. "The United States Senate must follow suit and pass its version," Obama said. "I am absolutely confident it will, and I look forward to signing comprehensive health insurance reform into law by the end of the year."

Note EU-Digest: the vote shows how Republicans are united when it comes to protecting the medical and insurance industry, who are the major financiers of their political campaigns. As to the Democrats who sided with the Republicans by voting against the bill ( for basically the same reasons as the Republicans), one can only hope that the voters make sure they remember the names of these Democrats and Republicans who voted against the legislation when they can't pay their medical bills because they are not insured or for lack of money to buy required medicine or special treatment.

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