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More than 20 thousand laws support gun ownership in the U.S.

Over 20 thousand laws are now in effect in the United States on the purchase, possession, transportation and use of firearms, in a nation where almost 300 million of these lethal means belong to private inventories.

Different media reports allude to these figures when the national debate for gun control has reached its highest point, after the massacre that occurred on December 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut where 26 people were killed, 20 of them children . Each year some 100 thousand people are injured or shot dead in this country, according to the Brady Center for Gun Control.

According to this institution, from 23 countries worldwide with more population and higher incomes, 80 percent of the homicides by firearms occurred in the United States.

Other statistics indicate that by the end of November, the FBI had recorded more than 16,808,000 legal procedures for selling weapons, which exceeds by about 350,000 sales throughout the year 2011.

Read full report: More than 20 thousand laws support gun ownership in the U.S. - English

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