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Iran Nuclear Treaty: Trump says US can pressure Iran without EU’s help

When asked by Fox News if Europe is going to support his new strategy on Iran, Trump replied by saying that he has really warm relations with French and German leaders.“They’re great friends of mine. They really are. I get along with all of them, whether it’s Emmanuel [Macron] or whether it’s Angela [Merkel]... I really like those people,” he said.

As for the Iranian issue, Trump stressed: “I told them [the EU]: ‘Just keep making money. Don’t worry about it. We don’t need you on this.”

He expressed the belief that Europe was reluctant to back his anti-Iranian push for purely economic reasons.

“When Iran buys things from Germany and from France” it allows them to earn “billions of dollars,”

Trump said, adding that “when they [the Iranians] buy those things, it’s a little harder for those countries to do something.”

However, the US president concluded by saying: “Would they [the EU] do it if I really was insistent? I believe they would.”

Note EU-Digest:  Amazing infantile statements coming from the leader of the United States in respect to the Iran Nuclear Treaty. It is also equally amazing that the EU continues to keep their mouth shut and play dead when it concerns their national interests, and just  lets this "blabbermouth"  create all kinds of problems for them and for others on the internal scene.


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