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LifeSite Special Report - A Reflection on the Emerging New World Order-by Michael D. O'Brien

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A Reflection on the Emerging New World Order-by Michael D. O'Brien

In this essay, Canada's best known Catholic novelist, Michael O'Brien, the author of the highly acclaimed Father Elijah: An Apocalypse, begins a serious reflection on the emerging new world order with a whimsical tale demonstrating that the present debate over world government is not an abstraction.

"True nations are about the genuine good of their peoples. They tend toward preserving their histories and their character, thus helping to maintain a richness of diversity in mankind, a wide range of strengths needed by the human race. A global governance would wipe out some of these resources. It has already done so. It has proved itself to be remorseless and relentless in doing so. The minds behind it despise the Catholic Church, and regard her as a major stumbling block to world government (read their documents, read the interviews with their officials). Moreover, they are fostering a nasty stepchild of world government, an emerging world religion that is dangerously close to the spirit of Antichrist.

Globalism, lacking true personalism and opposed to the full meaning of human dignity, cannot fail to become a kind of ultra-nationalism inflated to planetary scale, without the safety measures of cultural and religious diversity. In contrast to a world full of nation-states, a global state would offer us no alternatives. Unlike our ancestors, we would have no place to go in search of freedom. Throughout the world, everyone would have all the "freedom" they needed, but the concepts of "freedom" and "need" would be redefined by those who rule."

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