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Express Night Out: The Next 100 Years'- Poland, Turkey, Japan Mexico - new world powers - by George Friedman

For the complete report from the Express Night Out click on this linkThe Next 100 Years'- Poland, Turkey, Japan Mexico - new world powers - by George Friedman

In George Friedman's "The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century" (Doubleday), the author predicts that Poland along with Turkey, Japan and Mexico, will become new world powers by the end of this century. We won't be worrying ourselves over Russia or China, because those countries will have experienced a breakdown of power, much like the first collapse of communism. And the war against militant Islamists that has been the primary focus of our country for the past eight years? It'll become a distant memory.

Friedman predicts that the world's falling population figures and longer life expectancy are going to mean fiscal chaos for those of us born between 1970 and 1990. It could also mean that our country will be engaged in a fight to attract a declining global labor force. We are turning immigrants away from our borders but 20 years from now, Friedman says, we will be offering incentives such as a streamlined visa program and even bonuses to anyone who will come to work in the U.S.

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