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US Nuclear Security Summit: EU President Herman van Rompuy - "every country should ratify 1980 convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials"

President Barack Obama's Nuclear Security Summit is calling on all the 47 countries involved to cooperate in spreading global acceptance of an existing treaty that aims to crack down on potential nuclear terrorism.
The final documents from the two-day nuclear summit includes a statement from the United States that says the Obama administration has submitted to Congress legislation to bring U.S. laws into line with that treaty and one on the physical protection of nuclear materials.
Obama called the summit to focus world attention on keeping nuclear materials out of terrorist hands, what he termed the greatest threat facing all nations

Note EU-Digest: European Union President Herman van Rompuy called on all countries to sign and ratify the convention on the 1980 Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, which was amended in 2005 to require states to protect such materials even when not in transit.
"Nuclear terrorism... represents a most serious threat to international security with potentially devastating consequences to our societies," Van Rompuy said.

For more: Summit urges acceptance of nuke terrorism treaty -

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