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Britain: wake up folks, these riots are all about democracy and restoring the economic balance between the poor and the rich

Anglo Saxon conservatives on both sides of the Atlantic, including British PM David Cameron are calling the UK protestors actions against Government budget cuts, mainly affecting and hurting lower and middle income people, criminal behavior. 

This is not the complete picture. Basically the conservatives are running scared. Just as scared as the "Nobility" was when the French revolution started. France at that time was experiencing social and economic inequalities as well as political ones . The nobles and clergy were the privileged orders. They were exempt from such direct taxes as the taille, or land tax. It all sounds very familiar doesn't it? 

On the US side of the Atlantic, Rupert Murdoch's Fox News Sean Hannity says he is deeply troubled by the British riots, particularly because he believes the US may soon see similar levels of unrest (view clip). Hannity also sees a direct link between the riots and the recent austerity measures imposed in Britain. Yet he believes the best way to avoid a similar outcome in America is to impose even deeper spending cuts than the $2.4tn recently authorized by Congress.

Another US conservative icon and talk show host, Rush Limbaug, was also deeply disturbed about the possibility of riot fever spreading to the United States (listen to clip). He is certain that what we are witnessing is "class warfare" of the worst kind. He equates the rioters with "Obama voters", or a group of have-nots, who just want to bring the have-lots down to their level".

Presently, on the European side England's youths are angry and rioting. And, because it's 2011, they're using technology to organize. British Prime Minister David Cameron who obviously is running scared of losing his grip on power now wants to undermine freedom of speech. If he ever made a big mistake, this is the mother of them all. Cameron's motive is no less ignorant and different than those made by the Saudi King or the UAE government in this respect.

Cameron says he is afraid of what the kids in the street are talking about on Twitter. And he's ignorant; ignorant because Twitter and BBM and all the rest aren't the cause of the unrest—they're just a means. Tech can be used for starting riots, or it can be used for fixing them. The window-smashing kids didn't stumble upon Twitter and think, "now is the time to organize a riot". Their impetus to violence was formed long before they tweeted.

Its probably time for everyone to face the fact that these riots will not go away without a productive dialog. Ultimately it's not corporate power and its political network of cohorts which establishes how the world operates, but democracy.  Best of all, democracy includes the right to use revolutionary actions when it is threatened.


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