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You know you have been in Finland too long when ....

1. You rummage through your plastic bag collection to see which ones you should keep to take to the store and which can be sacrificed to garbage. Fins do this because what used to be a free grocery bag now costs 15 cents.

2. When a stranger on the street smiles at you:
a. you assume he is drunk
b. he is insane
c. he's an American

3. You don't think twice about putting the wet dishes away in the cupboard to dry.

4. A friend asks about your holiday plans and you answer: "Oh, I'm going to Europe!" meaning any other Western European country outside Scandinavia.

5.You see a student taking a front row seat and wonder "Who does he think he is!!??"

6.Silence is fun.

7. The reason you take the ferry to Stockholm or Tallinn is:
a. duty free vodka
b. duty free beer
c. to party need to get off the boat in Stockholm or Tallinn, just turn around and do it again on the way back to Finland.

8 You pass a grocery store and think: "Wow, it is open, I had better go in and buy something!"

Read more of the reasons : Helsingin Sanomat - International Edition

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