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Global Politics: China and Russia Are Getting Along Better Than Ever, the U.S. Has Only Made It Easier for Them - by Tom O'Connor

 China and Russia have forged a strategic partnership that has only grown tighter as the United States tried to curb their geopolitical rise — it's far from a perfect relationship, but experts say they appear determined at improving it as they seek to expedite a global economic shift to the East.

Moscow and Beijing's history lends itself to complex ties between two geopolitical powerhouses that have both worked with and against one another in the modern era. Today, they find themselves at the dawn of what many analysts are calling a multipolar world in which Washington feels its post-Cold War dominance is threatened, and that may just be the case, but only if working together remained in its two top challengers' best interests.

Velina Tchakarova, head of the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy, coined the term "Dragonbear" back in 2015 to describe what at the time was still an emerging trend. She told Newsweek that this "is neither an alliance nor a marriage of convenience, but rather a temporary asymmetric relationship, in which China is predominantly the agenda-maker while Russia is mostly the agenda-taker."

In this dynamic, "China provides the liquidity and Russia provides the natural resources and the necessary know-how in key fields such as diplomacy, defense, space, etc.," Tchakrova said, adding that "a new connectivity is being explored and expanded such as in the Arctic, Central Asia and beyond to balance the U.S.-dominated global supply chains."

"The Dragonbear is about counterbalancing arising centrifugal forces in all fields — from global economy, finance and trade, to diplomacy and political links, to military, defense and strategic alliances," she added. "But it also has a lot to do with the countries' overlapping understanding that the world is in a system transformation, whose results are unpredictable and whose implications might be very dangerous for them."

Read more: China and Russia Are Getting Along Better Than Ever, the U.S. Has Only Made It Easier for Them

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