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The Coronavirus: returning to "status quo" after the storm has passed is impossible - Democrats here is your chance to shine - by RM

What must be clear to everyone, is that the Coronavirus has exposed that no country can be going back to what their governments considered normal before the coronavirus.

In the case of America, "We the people", must demand, and if necessary, force, our politicians, to make some radical changes to our country's present economic and political structures.

For starters, here are just a few, of the many changes, as expressed by many people I spoke to, that need to be urgently looked at.

Obviously, only really possible if the Democrats win the Presidency and the Senate in November :

*The Tax system must be radically revised to provide a more balanced source of income for the US budget, than the present Tax system does. 

*Education must be free for every citizen.
*Health care insurance must be available to everyone, and premiums based on the income of the insured individual. 
*The Environment needs to be considered a major priority in any new Government's strategy; the present unacceptable strong influence of the private sector, and special interest groups, over the US political system must be curbed. 
*The US infrastructure will need a complete emergency overhaul to keep America competitive. 
*And finally, to combat unacceptable violent crime, gun control laws needs to be legalized.

And all that, even if it is only the tip of the iceberg, would be a good beginning.

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