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EU - Can Next Generation EU guarantee fair, inclusive recovery? – by Francesco Corti, Christian Morabito, Lorenza Antonucci and Michel Vandenbroeck

In mid-October European Union member states presented the draft national plans for reform and investment they intend to implement in the next four years, to secure financial support from the Recovery and Resilience Facility. The success of the RRF in building a recovery that is more sustainable, resilient and fairer—as in the ambitions of the European Commission—thus largely depends on the effectiveness of the mix of policy instruments adopted at national level. The commission is in charge of assessing these plans, checking whether they are in line with the priorities set in the country-specific recommendations within the European Semester, and will later monitor their implementation.

Read more at Can Next Generation EU guarantee fair, inclusive recovery? – Francesco Corti, Christian Morabito, Lorenza Antonucci and Michel Vandenbroeck

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