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Global Food Supplies: : Small-scale farmers must control our food system

The Food Systems Summit in New York is supposed to come up with a global strategy to fight hunger and feed a rapidly growing world population.

But it's focused too much on the big agro-industry. Corporate interests are taking center stage and expanding their influence in the UN system to an alarming extent, undermining democratic decisions. The concerns of peasant farmers like myself, who produce over 70% of the world’s food, are sidelined even though we provide a vital contribution to the food agenda through ecological and fair farming methods. Paula Gioia taking out a honeycomb from one of her beehives.

Paula Gioia is a farmer in Germany active in the international peasants movement.

We face increasing problems all over the world. Land rights are neglected; land grabbing remains rampant, and big industrial players and their production methods harm biodiversity and livelihoods. And it's not just the Global South facing these threats. Small farms in Germany and other European countries are struggling to survive. Thousands have shut down in recent years. In the EU alone we lost about 4.2 million farms between 2005 and 2016, most of them under 5 hectares (12 acres).

Read more at: Opinion: Small-scale farmers must control our food system | World | Breaking news and perspectives from around the globe | DW | 23.09.2021

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