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Time Magazine: Why Europe's Criticism of the Stimulus Got Out of Hand - by Douglas A. McIntyre

For the complete report from TIME Magazine click on this link

Why Europe's Criticism of the Stimulus Got Out of Hand - by Douglas A. McIntyre

There are now divisions forming in the European Union based on whether the countries in that alliance should put larger and larger sums of money into the credit and banking markets and their budgets to help slow the recession, or keep stimulus activities modest and have faith that free market systems will cause the economy to recover on its own without taking the world to Hades in the process. The debate over the ideology of saving the financial world turned ugly as Czech Republic Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek described the Obama stimulus programs as the "way to hell." Whether the comments are repudiated by other members of the E.U. now or not, the cat is out of the bag. After behind the scenes conversations about the aggressiveness of the U.S. approach, the views of a number of American allies are now crystal clear — America is spending itself into a hole which it cannot get out of, and the nation is on a course which will eventually lead to socialism.

Note EU-Digest: reading this op-ed by Mr. Douglas McIntyre in Time Magazine you quickly realize that American arrogance and superiority complex is still alive and well. Unfortunately.

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