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Times Online: President Barack Obama’s nuclear-free vision began as a student - by Catherine Philp

President Barack Obama’s nuclear-free vision began as a student - Times Online

President Barack Obama’s nuclear-free vision began as a student - by Catherine Philp

President Obama’s trip to Moscow to hammer out nuclear arms reductions is the first concrete step towards the fulfilment of a long and passionately held vision: a nuclear-free world. In a student magazine article written 26 years ago, at the height of the Cold War, the Columbia postgraduate weighed up how the United States and Russia might “dial down the danger humanity faces” in pursuit of total nuclear disarmament. Mr Obama is the first US President to begin setting out a step-by-step agenda for eliminating nuclear weapons from the face of the Earth.

His stance has brought him as much condemnation as approval, with opponents denouncing him as naive and dangerous in a world where more and more rogue nations are joining the nuclear race. But few people are aware of how far back his mulling of the issue goes, or how passionately it was held.

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