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Mediaite: USA - Conservative Bashing of Kennedy Before the Body Is Cold? - Will O’Reilly show some class? - by Joe Coscarelli

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USA - Conservative Bashing of Kennedy Before the Body Is Cold? - Will O’Reilly show some class? - by Joe Coscarelli

In a time of opinion journalism and partisan politics, it doesn’t take much to rile up internet commenters into a poison-spewing frenzy. Still, the online discourse can be telling, especially as you approach the political fringe. ”Hells awaiting,” read one particularly acerbic note on the popular conservative website this morning after reports surfaced late Tuesday that Senator Ted Kennedy succumbed to brain cancer. “If there’s any justice, he’ll finally get what’s coming to him.”

NOTE EU-Digest: The death of any person (in this case Ted Kennedy) is something that should be treated with respect. Even if it is the death of your enemy. Unfortunately some people today still exhibit the barbaric customs from the middle ages, when it was customary by some tribes to chop off the head of a slain hero and display it as a trophy in the market place.

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