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USA: - Donald Trump's Poor Presidential skills and lies score well with Republican voters in America as Trump approval rating wih them highest since early 2017

President Trump’s job approval rating has soared to new heights since the coronavirus outbreak began.

A new Pew Research Center survey found Mr. Trump’s approval rating scored its highest marks since March 2017. Mr. Trump’s approval rating has risen 5 percentage points since January, to 45%, while 52% of Americans disapprove of his job performance.

“Trump’s approval rating has improved among both Republicans and Democrats,” according to the Pew Research Center. “Among Republicans and Republican learners, 85% now approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with 80% in January.

Among Democrats and Democratic learners, the share approving increased from 7% to 12% over the same period.”

Read more at: Trump approval rating highest since early 2017: Pew poll - Washington Times

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