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USA: Could Trump Try to Cancel the 2020 Election? - it certainly looks and sounds like he wants to

People thought Nixon would do the same in 1970. It was bunk, but there’s a reason the rumors swirled.

Note EU-Digest: the situation is now quite different from the Nixon days - in Trump's case the process can be qualified as a 'slow moving coup', whereby major pillars of the US democratic structures are slowly infiltrated or dismantled, such as has already been done with the Dept. of Justice, the EPA, the Dept of Health, the Treasury department, the Commerce Dept. etc.etc. To top it all off, the president recently declared the Defense Production Act, in connection, with combating the coronavirus, and this is just one step away from declaring Martial law, and postpone the presidential elections.Bottom-line; this may never be allowed to happen.

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