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USA: Donald Trump strikes again: Governors give Donald Trump an earful after he tells them to fight coronavirus on their own - by Laura Clawson

It did not go over well when Donald Trump told governors that, when it came to coronavirus supplies like ventilators, they should “try getting it yourselves.” The New York Times reports that Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham “both reacted angrily to the administration’s slow response to the crisis.”
“If one state doesn’t get the resources and materials they need, the entire nation continues to be at risk,” Lujan Grisham responded. Trump may not have the capacity to understand that we’re all connected to each other and that a weak response in some areas endangers us all, but Lujan Grisham is absolutely right.

Read more: Governors give Donald Trump an earful after he tells them to fight coronavirus on their own

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