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"Neocon" Republican candidate Rick Perry assails Obama over Israel - Beth Fouhy and Kasie Hunt

"Neocon" Republican front-runner Rick Perry, the Texas governor, denounced the president's Israel policy as "misguided and dangerous," speaking to supporters in New York as the Obama administration worked a few miles away to thwart a U.N. vote to grant formal recognition to the Palestinian Authority.

Perry also accused Obama of appeasement, as did Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann, who assailed the president from the Midwest.

"Simply put, we would not be here today at the precipice of such a dangerous move if the Obama policy in the Middle East wasn't naive, arrogant, misguided and dangerous," Perry said, flanked by U.S. and Israeli flags. The Obama administration has appeased the Arab Street at the expense of our own national security interests. They have sowed instability that threatens the prospect of peace."

The Obama administration has appeased the Arab Street at the expense of our own national security interests. They have sowed instability that threatens the prospect of peace."

Perry's chief rival for the nomination, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, issued a statement accusing Obama of "throwing Israel under the bus."

Note EU-Digest: If you thought that the Neocons had disappeared from the scene following the demise of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, think again. The Dutch have a saying: "Een ezel stoot zich niet tweemaal aan de zelfde steen" ...meaning: " One who makes the same mistake twice is a fool." One can only hope the US voter doesn't fall for the same Neocon nonsense again.

For more: Republican candidates assail Obama over Israel -

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