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Why modern conservatives are way off base - by Stephen Goldstein

"After careful, thoughtful, longtime, objective, clinical observation, I have come to the inescapable conclusion that "conservatitis," the mutant of mainstream conservatism that is epidemic today, is a certifiable illness curable only by a protocol of extra-strength liberalism. But I get ahead of myself out of pity and my desire to give hope to the afflicted. First things first: Victims and those who care for them need to understand the exact nature and extent of the seven "deadly" symptoms of conservatitis before taking or administering "the cure."

The seven symptoms of conservatitis are:
1. Lack of empathy
2. Paranoia
3. Hallucinations
4. A neurotic desire to live in the past
5. Selective morality
6. A neurotic commitment to failure
7. An abnormal desire to pledge

Note EU-Digest: Winston Churchill once said: "Show me a young conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old liberal and I will show you someone with no brains."

For the complete report : Why modern conservatives are way off base - Sun Sentinel

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