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EU: Key European Union leaders to gather on Mediterranean island to plan a future without Britain - by Will Worley

The most powerful leaders of the remaining European Union states are to meet on a small Mediterranean island to discuss how to deal with the myriad issues the EU faces.

But Britain will not be attending.

Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will dine in Naples before flying to the island of Ventotene.

The meeting, to be held on 22 August, will be primarily dealing with how the EU should progress in light of the recent loss of the UK from the bloc, following the country’s vote to leave on 23 June. It will serve as an opportunity for the remaining leaders to establish a common set of goals before an informal Bratislava summit on 16 September.

With the exception of Britain, representatives of all EU member states will be in Bratislava for the event, which will aim to plot a course for the bloc after Brexit.

Besides losing one of their most powerful and wealthy members, the EU must also deal with a grinding refugee crisis, terrorism, and relations with their unpredictable neighbours, Turkey and Russia.

Note EU-Digest: Now that Britain, considered the EU's most obstructive and vocal member and also closest US ally is not part of the equation anymore, it would serve the EU well to do a total review of its foreign policy, Specifically its alignment with the US foreign policy, to avoid being dragged by the US into foreign military adventures, which so far have had disastrous consequences for Europe. 

Read more: Key European Union leaders to gather on Mediterranean island to plan a future without the UK | Europe | News | The Independent

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