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EU INTL.TRADE: EU needs to 'toughen up' on trade - by Urmas Paet

The European Union needs to step up its game to support the interests of EU businesses, to counteract the increasingly agressive China and the at times more self-centred United States.

Despite its size and wealth in the global context, the EU has not managed to play itself out as a strong global power. In order for the EU businesses to compete on a greater equal footing with companies from other countries the EU has to toughen up, reach a coherent foreign policy, harmonise its various foreign policy instruments and have stronger rules.

Currently, the EU is not ready to effectively face the significant changes in the world.

May it be a more forceful and aggressive China, Russia that raises security concerns or the increasingly isolationist United States. For instance, negotiations with China to open the Chinese market for European investments have been very slow.

And this example is only one of many where the EU has failed to use political power to achieve its economic goals and strengthen the position of its businesses.

To achieve its objectives, the EU must take use of all its foreign policy instruments.

Read more at: EU needs to 'toughen up' on trade

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