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A bar code for Europe, bitte.

Le Taurillon, magazine eurocitoyen

"A bar code for Europe, bitte.
By George Kipouros, FC Member, JEF Europe

Friday 21 April 2006 - George Kipouros

For the second time since its accession in 1995, Austria holds the EU’s rotating Presidency during the first six months of 2006. It has been tasked with reviving the debate on EU’s future and the moribund European constitution, while focusing also on further enlargement and external relations.

Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schuessel said Europe needed 'some moments of fantasy and flexibility and new thoughts' and these moments seem to have inspired the Presidency logo - a reassembly of the colours of the flags of all Member States in a “bar code”. The bar code unites the EU Member States in a single symbol, representing Europe’s diversity and its unique identity in visual form.

Nonetheless, the present and future identities of the EU still remain in urgent need of definition."

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