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BBC NEWS/EU-Digest: Polish leader ratifies EU treaty but Czech Republic President Klaus still stalling with political games

Vaclav Klaus, is he overstepping his powers in bypassing the Czech Government by trying to block the Lisbon Treaty?

For the complete report from the BBC NEWS click on this link

Polish leader ratifies EU treaty but Czech Republic President Klaus still stalling with political games

Polish President Lech Kaczynski has signed the European Union's much-delayed Lisbon Treaty. His signature means the treaty, which is intended to streamline decision-making, remains un-ratified by only one country, the Czech Republic. It must be ratified by all 27 member states before it can come into force. Mr Kaczynski, a noted Eurosceptic, said he was convinced the treaty would be successful but that the EU should remain a union of sovereign states.

Note EU-Digest: Both houses of the Czech Republic, which represent the people of the Czech Republic have ratified the treaty. Questionable personal demands by the Czech President to make last minute changes to the treaty are now delaying the final ratification. The question which arises, however is if the Czech president has the power to negotiate such a clause? Some believe that rests only with the Czech government, who have already ratified the treaty. Therefore it seems that it is president Klaus himself who is exceeding his powers. It is now up to the Czech government to tell Mr. Klaus to stop playing populist political games. If they don't the EU should advise the Czech Republic to sign the treaty or get out of the EU.

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