Greatness. It was candidate Donald Trump’s central promise: He would Make America Great Again, or #MAGA for short.
how does a nation achieve greatness? The expansion of territory,
influence and power is a good historic measure of a nation’s drive
toward greatness.
In the early 21st century, there are many nations actively seeking to
achieve greatness. America, however, may be taking a breather.
Today, large and powerful countries are striving to achieve a greatness
that was previously unattainable. Once the United States
began to retrench,
however, and norms governing world order, borders and sovereignty were
no longer respected, the rules of the global game changed.
In this relatively new global environment, the world is witnessing a
series of earthshaking moves that enable force and power to rewrite
acceptable international law and permit the rise of a
Greater Russia,
Greater Turkey and
Greater China.
Even a few minor nations are engaged in the assertive growth game and
trying to take advantage of a potential power reshuffle – imagined
places like
Greater Hungary.
These nations are challenging the global status quo and
seeking to grow their territorial influence and regional power in a
manner that is further destabilizing the world order. Each of these
countries is looking around its immediate neighborhood, claiming and
coveting more land, people and resources that they want to possess.
combination of a more assertive Russia, Turkey and China and a more
isolationist and passive America is bad news for the world.
Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and China’s Xi
Jinping are all looking to reclaim a historic greatness – or achieve a
new greatness – for their nations by expanding borders, refining their
concept of national identity, and enlarging the definition of their
strategic and sovereign interests.
President Donald Trump, on the other
hand, is seeking to draw fixed lines and solid walls around the U.S. and
shrink its global footprint.
Already during the Trump administration,
Estonian fears
of a diminishing American commitment to NATO and Putin’s growing
appetite could make it the next course on Russia’s enlargement menu.
Erdoğan looks to the nation’s Ottoman past for inspiration and
expansion as his troops continue to occupy Cyprus and regularly incur
into Iraq and Syria. He recently challenged the historic treaty that
defined his modern nation’s borders, and he boldly propagates the making
new maps of greater Turkey.
In China, greatness means bringing Taiwan into the fold, firming up Hong Kong’s fealty, and suppressing Tibetan and
Uighur separatist movements. It also means expanding its territory by creating islands and defining sovereign strategic zones like the
“nine-dash line”
that turns the South China Sea into China’s exclusive waters, changing
international maritime access and mineral rights in the process. A
greater China is becoming bolder, bigger and badder.
pieces are moving everywhere around the world but America. Statehood
for Hawaii and Alaska marked the end of American territorial expansion
in the 1950s. Hopes for
Puerto Rico as the 51st state are dormant. American greatness will not mirror other nations’ active absorption of new territory.
America will continue to depend on the attraction of her system and the
secure global world and alliances she built and defended over recent
decades. America must rely on the power of her principles and ideas and,
as in the past, on the virulence of her values and ideals.
include a centuries-old constitution and functioning judicial system, a
tuned and regulated free market, a tradition of fair elections and
peaceful political transitions, a generationally steady movement toward
maximizing individual freedom and the codified ideal of protecting
minority rights. These ideas make up the greatest export America
manufactures – a universal aspiration for life, liberty and the pursuit
of happiness.
All these things have lately been under greater assault, however. Justices are accused of racial bias or of being
“so-called” judges. The Supreme Court is running on eight cylinders rather than the nine it needs to keep the Constitution humming along.
list goes on and is growing. Previous administrations failed to act
sufficiently in Georgia and Syria. Elections are contested and now
meddled with by foreign powers colluding with Americans. The current
family and friends are swimming in corrupting seas of forgiven loans,
sweetheart deals
and, potentially, outright bribes. As a result, the export market for
credible American leadership and partnership is rapidly drying up.
great America is defined not merely by her territory and geography but
by the strength of the economy, governing institutions, military power,
population growth, the global alliance system, trade relations, and the
multinational institutions she developed and nurtured.
They were great. They are still good. With Donald Trump in the White House, however, everything is up for grabs.
is unclear is if those things can survive the recent inattention,
dysfunction and structural corruption to be made great again. In the
meantime, the whole world is watching.
Read more: Making Russia, Turkey and China great again - by Markos Kounalakis
Read more here:
Making Russia, Turkey and China great again - by Markos Kounalakis
Read more here:
Read more here:
Read more here:
Today, large and powerful countries are striving to achieve a greatness
that was previously unattainable. Once the United States
began to retrench,
however, and norms governing world order, borders and sovereignty were
no longer respected, the rules of the global game changed.
Read more here: