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Privacy: Is Your TV Spying On You?- by Dave Lewis

If you have a Samsung SmartTV the answer is, well, it very well could be. The news broke this week that Samsung has a TV that can listen in to your conversations, record them and then upload the information to servers under their control. Then your data could be then farmed out to third party companies. I’m guessing that these third parties are advertising and marketing outfits but, that isn’t clearly articulated.

This gets even stranger when you consider that Samsung SmartTV’s can also do facial recognition. “You can use facial recognition instead of, or as a supplementary security measure in addition to, manually inputting your password.”

OK, so these TVs can listen to me, record my conversations and then associate these conversations with the very person in the discussion?

Nothing creepy about that at all.

Sound far fetched? I don’t believe that it is to be honest. The Internet of Things is weaving tis way into every aspect of our lives. With the rush to get products to market as fast as is possible things like security and privacy can often be sacrificed.

Read moreL Is Your TV Spying On You?

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