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China - Human Rights: China′s systematic tracking, arrests of Uighurs exposed in new Xinjiang leak

 In May 2017, a Uighur man was taken away to a "re-education camp" in China's northwestern Xinjiang region.

As an observant Muslim, the man prayed at home after meals, and sometimes attended Friday prayers at his local mosque. The reasons for his forced internment: His wife had covered her face with a veil and the couple had "too many" children. There was never a trial.

According to a newly leaked document from Xinjiang, the man underwent a "great ideological transformation" in the camp and "realized his mistakes and showed good repentance." The family's four boys and two girls back at home all demonstrated "good behavior."

In June 2017, however, their mother was sent to prison for six years. She was charged with participating in an "illegal religious activity."

This family's story is similar to hundreds of cases, which are listed in unprecedented detail.
The leak provides information on why people are detained, while revealing that Chinese authorities are using high-tech surveillance and sheer manpower to keep track of identities, locations and habits of individual Uighur Muslims.

The list of detainees records the fate of 311 people who were sent off to "re-education" for the most innocuous things: growing a beard, fasting, or applying for a passport.

All of them had contacts abroad, and all were put in internment camps in 2017 and 2018. The document also lists hundreds of other people connected to them, including children.

DW, together with German broadcasters NDR and WDR and the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, spent weeks translating the document and analyzing the data.

Read more at: Exclusive: China′s systematic tracking, arrests of Uighurs exposed in new Xinjiang leak | Asia| An in-depth look at news from across the continent | DW | 17.02.2020

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