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USA: Trump did not heed to early warnings about impending dangers of Coronavirus

What a difference a real leader makes if you watch Andrew Cuomo holding his daily press conference about the Coronavirus.  The man is cool, intelligent, to the point, and informative.
Donald Trump Press meetings : rambling, self adulation, lying
Now compare Cuomo's performance with the rambling and self adulation of Trump at his press conferences.

Always blaming everyone else but himself.

To make matters worse, we have also learned recently that Trump was warned about the Coronavirus already in January and February, by US Intelligence Services, but did nothing about it, except denying the potential threat that the virus posed to the country.

Consequently , it is fair to assume, that those families of Coronavirus patients, who lost their lives, as a result of the negligence by the Trump Administration to act upon these early warnings, should consider legal action against those ,who were negligent by not providing advance warning of the Coronavirus danger to the US nation.

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