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USA Unemployment: US unemployment skyrockets as coronavirus crashes economy

However, the figures were recorded before Congress signed off on a $2 trillion stimulus package that seeks to help businesses and workers as coronavirus ravages the economy.

Yet it is unlikely that even the biggest government stimulus package in history can stop unemployment from soaring to record highs and the US entering a deep recession.

Commerzbank economist Christoph Bolz said: “The lockdown of the economy is likely to cost more jobs in the coming weeks. We fear that the US unemployment rate will reach a post-war record by mid-year.”

Bolz predicted the US unemployment rate could rise from 3.5 per cent to 11.5 per cent, putting roughly 19m Americans out of a job. That would be higher than the previous post-war record of 10.8 per cent at the end of 1982.

Read more at: US unemployment skyrockets as coronavirus crashes economy : CityAM

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