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Quantum physics and Christianity - can the gap be bridged ? by RM

"For several years now I have been intrigued by the issue as to how Quantum physics could bridge the gap in order for scientists to take Christianity to a more serious level and for Christians to look beyond their "subjective" experiences that has become the driving force of Christianity today, rather than the careful examination of the Scriptures. .

Also, even though Quantum physics might not be of any interest to many of you personally, there is no doubt you as a human must have often struggled with thoughts about the meaning and purpose of life on this earth.

When you click on this link you will hear Deepack Chopra talk about Quantum physics and consciousness. Basically a scientific perspective as to "who we are and how we perceive things the way we do" ....The personal problem I have with this is that not one word is mentioned about accepting the fact that there is also a 'supernatural angle" to the theory of Quantum Physics. Things which can not be explained and only accepted by faith. To me its the missing link in Quantum physics.

Even though Quantum physicists are ( still) hesitant to relate their theories to the teachings of Jesus Christ, their thinking comes very close to what was already said more than 2000 years ago and can be found in the Bible: "By Faith we understand that the Universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible. ( Hebrews 11, verse 3)  or when Jesus said:   "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

In the words of Charles Spurgeon: "Lay aside your prejudices; listen calmly, listen dispassionately; hear what Scripture says; and when you receive the truth, if God should be pleased to reveal and manifest it to your soul, do not be ashamed to confess it. To confess you were wrong yesterday is only to acknowledge that you are a little wiser today; and instead of being a reflection on yourself, it is an honor to your judgment, and shows that you are improving in the knowledge of the truth. Do not be ashamed to learn, and to cast aside your old doctrines and views, but take up that which you may more plainly see to be in the word of God."

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