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Capitalism and Corruption: Jail the Corrupt! No More Impunity - by Frank Vogl

From Brazil to Macedonia, Iceland to Guatemala, public prosecutors are going after corrupt top politicians on an unprecedented scale.

The release on May 9 by The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists of a searchable database with information on more than 200,000 offshore entities that are part of the “Panama Papers” investigation, will fuel the expanding international investigations of top-level bribery.

Public prosecutors in many countries face vested interests, high-powered defense lawyers and long traditions of political impunity as they strive to bring corrupt political elites to justice.

The corruption-fighting example of the United States cannot be underestimated as a stimulus for brave prosecutors and judges in countries where their lives can be in danger because of the work they do.

The U.S. assault on the most powerful politicians who abuse their office is bold and clear. Before jailing him, U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni told Silver:
I hope that the sentence I’m going to impose on you will make the next politician hesitate just long enough before taking a bribe or a kickback, for his better angels to take over. Or if there are no better angels, and for some people, there are not, then maybe his fear of living out his golden years in an orange jumpsuit will put him on the straight and narrow.
Recently, at a Washington, D.C. conference, Robert Mueller, the former director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), stressed that apart from terrorist crimes, no issue has greater priority for the FBI than investigating corruption.
Read more: Jail the Corrupt! No More Impunity - The Globalist

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