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Smart Phones: by 2014 more than 76.9 billion Apps - two sides of the same coin - by Nerea Rial

Smartphones and Apps
Due to the increasing number of smartphone and tablets in the market, predictions say that in 2014 more than 76.9 billion mobile applications will be downloaded. These tools can make users' lives easier, but not everything is positive and people is starting to worry about their privacy.

To gain users' trust, the European Commission is working on its Data Protection Regulation, which regulates the processing of personal data regardless of whether such processing is automated or not.

During a conference celebrated at the “Reloading Data Protection” event in Brussels, Commission's representative explained that a useful regulation is needed, as well as transparency and users' control over their personal information in order to ensure a safe and fair system.

Over 92% of European users are worried about apps, and both policymakers and businesses have to create trust in an age of complexity, explained Pat Walshe, Director of Privacy at GSMA UK. He added that this complexity is composed, among others, by applications, search browsers, OS and social networks, where people is facilitating their personal data.

Read more: Apps, two sides of the same coin | New Europe

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